The webinars showcase research that is done at EMB’s Member institutes, research conducted by the authors of EMB publications, and research with relevance to EMB publications and activities. They are hosted for free on ZOOM by EMB and are open to anyone with an interest in marine science. The webinar is also livestreamed on the EMB YouTube channel. The recording and presentation are made available on the EMB website and YouTube channel after the event for later viewing. Some of the YouTube recordings also have English subtitles available.
The format of the webinar includes a short opening by the European Marine Board moderator and up to 30 minutes of presentation by one or two people, with an opportunity for the audience to ask questions.
The upcoming webinars will take place on the dates listed below. You click on the link to find out more information about the topic and speakers, as well as register for the webinar:
- Thursday 17 April 2025: Microalgae working for a cleaner planet: waste valorization, resource recovery and circular innovation
You can find out more about previous editions of the science webinars below:
- Thursday 20 March 2025: From Coastal Waters to the Deep Sea: Marine Life Under Environmental Change
- Thursday 20 February 2025: Restoration of deep-sea habitats to rebuild European Seas
- Thursday 16 January 2025: How to prepare for the future? Scenarios for future water conditions and sea-level rise adaptation strategies from the Netherlands
- Thursday 19 December 2024: Distribution models and habitat mapping for the application of an ecosystem approach to management
- Thursday 21 November 2024: Discovery of animal life in the ocean’s crust at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: implications for future research and management
- Thursday 19 September 2024: Skills intelligence in the Offshore Renewable Energy sector
- Thursday 18 July 2024: Marine microplastics and the plastisphere: Hitchhikers and their luggage
- Thursday 16 May 2024: Submerged Knowledges: Filmmaking and Experiments in the Venetian Lagoon
- Thursday 18 April 2024: The Why, What and How of Interdisciplinary Endeavour
- Thursday 21 March 2024: Implementing Ocean Sound as an Essential Ocean Variable for the Global Ocean Observing System
- Thursday 15 February 2024: Blue Carbon and Nationally Determined Contributions: financing blue natural capital as Nature-based Solutions
- Thursday 18 January 2024: Data science for offshore renewable energies: data availability and requirements for metocean analysis
- Thursday 7 December 2023: Sailing for oxygen - how citizen science can help understand ocean deoxygenation
- Thursday 16 November 2023: Building coastal and marine resilience in Ireland: a community perspective
- Thursday 19 October 2023: Online launch of EMB Position Paper No. 27: Building Coastal Resilience in Europe
- Thursday 21 September 2023: The impact of deoxygenation in the Black Sea on ecosystem services: insights from BRIDGE-BS expeditions
- Thursday 20 July 2023: Interdisciplinary collaborations in marine social science
- Thursday 15 June 2023: Ecosystem effects of offshore windfarms: understanding and use for a sustainable future
- Thursday 20 April 2023: EMBracing the Ocean artists-in-residence: Enabling Ocean sustainability through creative collaboration
- Thursday 16 March 2023: Experiences from EMB Young Ambassadors: Connecting research with marine policy and society
- Thursday 16 February 2023: Sea ice - Ocean interactions in the Arctic
- Thursday 19 January 2023: Multidisciplinary understandings of indeterminacy, uncertainty and risk
- Thursday 15 December 2022: Machine learning to unlock the potential of plankton imaging big data
- Thursday 20 October 2022: The MPA Guide: A framework to achieve global goals for the Ocean
- Thursday 15 September 2022: Unlocking Marine Genetic Resources: Streamlining the Legal, Policy and Business Aspects of the Marine Biodiscovery Pipeline
- Thursday 18 August 2022: Marine biotechnology to advance Europe's bioeconomy
- Thursday 16 June 2022: New developments in research vessel capabilities and technology
- Thursday 19 May 2022: Critical research needs for informing environmental management of deep-sea mining
- Thursday 21 April 2022: Can early career scientists make a difference in achieving the Ocean we want? - Experiences from the EMB Young Ambassadors
- Thursday 17 March 2022: Decommissioning of offshore structures
- Thursday 17 February 2022: Ocean and Human Health
- Thursday 16 December 2021: Marine Geohazards in Europe
- Thursday 18 November 2021: Addressing underwater noise in Europe
- Thursday 21 October 2021: Are we delving any deeper? An update on EMB Position Paper 22
- Thursday 16 September 2021: Involving Stakeholders in Co-creation of Ecosystem Services Research
- Thursday 19 August 2021: Navigating the Future V as inspiration and direction for marine science in the Ocean Decade
- Thursday 15 July 2021: Future Science Brief 3 on Biological Observation: Biological Time Series for Science and Marine Status Assessment
- Thursday 17 June 2021: Policy Brief 9 on Sustaining In Situ Ocean Observations for the Age of the Digital Ocean
- Thursday 20 May 2021: Future Science Brief 6 on Big Data: The value chain of ocean CO2 measurements
- Thursday 15 April 2021: Marine Citizen Science: Trends and Frontier Issues
- Thursday 18 March 2021: Submerged volcanoes, and coral reefs under climate change: Early career perspectives from EMB Young Ambassador
- Thursday 18 February 2021: Future Science Brief 4 on Marine Ecosystem Modelling: Disclosing the truth: Are models better than observations?
- Thursday 21 January 2021: Future Science Brief 5 on Valuing Marine Ecosystem Services: Case studies on marine ecosystem service valuation
- Thursday 19 November 2020: Position Paper 25 on Marine Citizen Science: Advancing citizen science of coastal and ocean research: Norwegian case studies
- Thursday 15 October 2020: Position Paper 21 on submerged prehistoric landscapes: Prehistoric researches on the EU continental shelf, by crossing the boundary between archaeology and marine geology
- Thursday 17 September 2020: Navigating the Future V: The cells of ecosystem functioning: Towards a holistic vision of marine space
- Thursday 20 August 2020: Future Science Brief 4 on Marine Ecosystem Modelling: Using ecosystem models to address the ecological and economic effects of climate change and the CFP landing obligation