EMB membership provides significant benefits for our member organizations. By being a member of the European Marine Board, you can steer the discussion on future priorities for marine science in Europe. The strength of EMB lies in its ability to speak with one voice from the marine science community directly to European policy makers. EMB’s vision for future research priorities and gaps to be addressed are strongly predicated on our members’ research and international review process, and therefore valued in European and national research agenda’s.
Experts from European Marine Board member organizations:
- Participate on a regular basis in marine research discussions with other leading marine science experts in Europe;
- Contribute to and steer foresight research publications;
- Be invited as panel or keynote speakers in high level conferences and fora;
- Be kept up to date on the latest policy and regulation developments at European level.
Consult our Value of Membership paper to find out more about the benefits of being an EMB member and our About EMB for further information.
Organizations interested in EMB membership can send their application form (as an Individual Legal Entitiy or a Consortium) and a motivation letter to the EMB Secretariat.
All applications will be submitted to the EMB Executive Committee to check eligibility; after which they will be submitted to the EMB Governing Board for official approval.
Any questions regarding EMB membership and how to apply can be addressed to info@marineboard.eu.