The webinar 'Addressing Underwater Noise in Europe' built on the science presented in EMB's Future Science Brief No. 7, and included presentations and a discussion session with Dr. Frank Thomsen and Dr. Sónia Mendes, Chair and Co-Chair of the EMB Working Group on Underwater Noise.
Dr. Frank Thomsen is a Senior Scientist and Director of Market Development for Sound and Marine Life at the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI A/S), Denmark. Frank has extensive experience in managing research and consultancy projects focusing on marine mammals and the effects of noise on aquatic life and has published widely in the scientific literature. He has been providing policy advice for regulators in Germany, the UK and Denmark and has advised international bodies such as the United Nations, the European Commission, OSPAR, the International Maritime Organization and the London Convention. Franks areas of expertise include marine mammal science, bioacoustics, environmental impact assessment and the effects of underwater noise on aquatic life.
Dr. Sónia Mendes is a scientific adviser to UK government, with more than 15 years’ experience working at the interface of science, policy and regulation, in the subject of the effects of offshore industries on marine mammals and their habitats. Sónia has collaborated with regulators, academics, the navy, NGOs and industry, on projects related to the effects of underwater noise on marine mammals, risk assessment processes, mitigation measures and monitoring. Sónia is a contributor to several UK and international working groups on the subject, has co-authored reports related to underwater noise and manages the UK marine noise registry.
You can watch a recording of the webinar on the EMB YouTube Channel.
You can access a copy of the presentation given by Drs Thomsen and Mendes here.
For any questions, please send an email to info@marineboard.eu