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EMB Science Webinar - EMBracing the Ocean artists-in-residence: Enabling Ocean sustainability through creative collaboration

On Thursday 20 April 2023, EMB hosted its 29th Third Thursday Science Webinar featuring EMBracing the Ocean artists-in-residence Michael Begg and Lera Litvinova, who spoke about their projects developed as part of the residency.

Michael Begg is an award winning experimental composer and sound artist based in East Lothian, Scotland. He is the Musical Director of the Black Glass Ensemble. As part of his EMBracing the Ocean residency he has turned his attention to the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. Starting from the observation that data is the common vocabulary of science and art, Michael is creating new works to explore the beauty, complexity and fragility of this vast and mysterious territory. The resulting works, through recordings, broadcast and performance, play an important role in engaging audiences with the mystery, to the science, and to the urgent need for personal action in responding to the climate crisis. Find out more here.


Lera Litvinova is a Ukrainian visual artist and art curator, and founder of Lera Litvinova Gallery in Kyiv. She supports an active position in the development of Ukrainian culture, and is a participant and curator of social projects actively implementing the principle of cultural diplomacy to strengthen cultural relations. As an EMBracing the Ocean artist, she has created new work co-designed with various scientists to look at the impact of the war on marine pollution in the Black Sea as part of her Under the Surface project. Find out  more here.


You can download the slides from Michael's presentation here and Lera's presentation here.

The webinar video is available to re-watch on the EMB YouTube page.

Event Date
Online webinar