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EMB Science Webinar - Sea ice - Ocean interactions in the Arctic

On Thursday 16 February 2023, EMB hosted its 27th Third Thursday Science Webinar featuring Dr. David Docquier who spoke on the topic of 'Sea ice -Ocean interactions in the Arctic'.

In this talk, Dr. David Docquier discussed sea ice - Ocean interactions in the Arctic. This is a topic which will be covered in EMB's upcoming flagship publication, Navigating the Future VI that focuses on the marine science required to help us in understanding wider Earth systems, with four main chapters covering Ocean and People, Ocean and Climate, Ocean and Fresh Water, and Ocean and Biodiversity.

David Docquier is a postdoctoral researcher in Climatology at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium. His study focuses on the interactions between the ocean, atmosphere and sea ice with the use of causal methods applied to different sets of climate models and satellite observations. He is involved in the JPI-Oceans/JPI-Climate ROADMAP project. He is currently the lead guest editor of a Research Topic on Sea Ice - Ocean Interactions for Frontiers in Marine Science. He frequently participates in outreach activities, including writing and editing articles for the EGU Cryosphere Blog.



The webinar is available to rewatch on the EMB YouTube page.

You can download the slides here.

Event Date
Online webinar