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Data science for Offshore Renewable Energies: data availability and requirements for metocean analysis

On Thursday 18 January 2024, EMB hosted its 36th Third Thursday Science Webinar featuring Christophe Maisondieu who spoke about "Data science for Offshore Renewable Energies: data availability and requirements for metocean analysis".

This topic is linked to the science within the EMB Future Science Brief No. 9 'European offshore renewable energy: Towards a sustainable future'.

Christophe Maisondieu is a senior researcher at Ifremer’s Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory. A holder of a PhD in fluid dynamics, his main area of expertise is the characterization of oceanic environmental conditions - wind, waves, and currents - for resource assessment and the design of structures deployed at sea. With a background in hydrodynamics, his work covers the assessment of the dynamic response of structures in wave and current, wave modeling, wave-current interactions and sea states characterization, particularly for Marine Renewable Energies applications. As Head of Ifremer's Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory, Christophe Maisondieu is also strongly involved in the development, at national and European level, of research infrastructures dedicated to supporting research, development and innovation projects in the ocean engineering sector, and in particular the Marine Renewable Energy sector.

The webinar is available to re-watch on the EMB YouTube channel.

You can download the slides here.

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Online webinar