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EMB Science Webinar - Marine biotechnology to advance Europe's bioeconomy

On Thursday 18 August 2022, EMB hosted its 22nd Third Thursday Science Webinar featuring Dr Ana Rotter who spoke about marine biotechology to advance Europe's bioeconomy.

This webinar highlighted the EMB Policy Brief 4 on Marine Biotechnology: Advancing Innovation in Europe's Bioeconomy. Five years after its release, and over 10 years since the EMB's visionary Position Paper 15 on Marine Biotechnology, Dr Rotter gave a subjective overview of the current state of affairs. Where are we? Have the challenges been addressed? Where do we stand on exploration, biomass production, product innovation, collaboration and financing?


Dr Ana Rotter is based at the Marine Biology Station Piran, of the National Institute of Biology in Slovenia. Shortly before obtaining her PhD in 2011, Ana was awarded the L’Oreal for women in science scholarship as recognition for her scientific work on statistical design and analysis of biological data. She has a Bachelor degree in microbiology. She has participated in several marine biotechnology related international projects and is leading the research programme entitled “Marine and microbial biotechnology” in Slovenia as well as Chairing the COST Action Ocean4Biotech (European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology). As a member of the B-Blue project (Building the blue biotechnology community in the Mediterranean) she is participating in the creation of new value chains and the launch of the MedIA-SBBE (Mediterranean Innovation Alliance for Sustainable Blue Bioeconomy). She collaborated in over 20 national and international networks and projects, has co-authored over 50 scientific articles and book chapters and has had over 70 media appearances. She is a science communication expert appointed by the European Commission.

You can watch the recording of this webinar on the EMB YouTube page.

You can download the slides from the talk here.

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