This webinar links to the research being conducted in the framework of the RHE-MEDiation project and also to the Ocean and Freshwater Chapter of EMB's flagship publication 'Navigating the Future VI'.

Luísa Barreira is an Associate Professor at the Chemistry and Pharmacy Department of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Algarve, and a senior researcher of CCMAR, where she co-leads the Marine Biotechnology Group. Since 2009, she has been the researching on I+D+I of biotechnological applications of marine organisms, from the use of microalgae for wastewater treatment to the role of microalgae and other marine organisms (e.g., seaweeds and halophyte plants) as bio-producers of added-value compounds (e.g. phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, pigments and bioactive natural products) to be used as ingredients for food and feed. She has participated in more than 20 projects, mostly involving microalgae having been the Principal Investigator of 3 national projects and the institutional coordinator (at CCMAR or UALG) of 4 other projects including the H2020, ALGAE4IBD from Nature to Bedside - Algae Based Bio Compound for Prevention and Treatment of Inflammation, Pain and IBD, and the projects RHE-MEDiation and COSEC, both from Horizon Europe, and both dealing with the bioremediation of different pollutants using microalgae. She is also a member of the GreenCoLAB, a collaborative platform to bridge the transfer of knowledge from academia, industry, stakeholders, and consumers, in the algae world.

Davide Liberti is a passionate and dedicated researcher with a Ph.D. in Biotechnology, specialized in biorefineries from microalgae, covering a Post-Doc position in the project RHE-MEDiation at CCMAR, University of Algarve, Portugal. He has developed a profound appreciation for the vast potential of microalgae in addressing the world's pressing challenges. His doctoral research was focused on optimizing a sustainable biorefinery extraction of valuable bioactive compounds from microalgae to be used in several applications. In the last two years, he shifted his attention to the bioremediation performed by microalgae, joining the European funded project, RHE-MEDiation, trying to establish the best conditions for a proper microalgae growth in wastewater. Moreover, he is also collaborating in another European Project, COSEC, trying to optimize protocols for the adaptive laboratory evolution to obtain microalgal strains with increased fluegases resilience and lipid productivity.
You can register for the webinar here, and it will also be live-streamed on the EMB YouTube Channel.