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EMB Science Webinar - Multidisciplinary understandings of indeterminacy, uncertainty and risk

On Thursday 19 January 2023, EMB hosted its 26th Third Thursday Science Webinar featuring Dr. Chris Fremantle who spoke on the topic of 'Multidisciplinary understandings of indeterminacy, uncertainty and risk'.

In this talk, Dr Chris Fremantle presented on the topic of 'Multidisciplinary understandings of indeterminacy, uncertainty and risk'. The webinar explores some of his recent work on differences between disciplines (e.g. social and natural sciences, arts, humanities, law, economics) in the values, meanings and ways of working with indeterminacy and uncertainty, including how research interacts with decision-making. Common themes were discussed, offering scope for greater mutual understanding and collaboration across disciplines, and for greater impact.

Chris Fremantle is a researcher and producer focused on the roles of artists in public life, in particular in health and environment. He lectures at Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland. Chris is an EMBracing the Ocean committee member and advises on the development of the programme as well as in selecting awardees. He also chairs the Ramsar Culture Networks’ Arts Focus Group and advises a number of other research-led arts projects including Ocean ARTic and AALERT. He established ecoartscotland in 2010 as a node in the ecoart community.


The webinar is availalbe to rewatch on the EMB YouTube page.

You can download a copy of the slides here.

Event Date
Online webinar