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EMB ECOP Network Formalised

On 1 October 2024, during the Plenary Meeting, the EMB Board approved the formalisation of the EMB ECOP Network within EMB.

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EMB attends first Annual Surimi Meeting in Bergen

EMB Executive Director, Sheila Heymans, and Science Officer Ana Rodriguez attended the first Annual Meeting of SURIMI in Bergen, Norway, on 24-25 September 2024.
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3rd BRIDGE General Assembly, Tbilisi, Georgia

EMB Science Officer, Britt Alexander, attended the BRIDGE Black Sea General Assembly at the Tbilisi State University in Georgia from 18-20 September 2024.
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EMB Working Group on Marine CDR kicks-off

On 29-30 August 2024, the new EMB Working Group on Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal met for the first time during the kick-off meeting held at the InnovOcean site in Ostend (Belgium) and online. The meeting was chaired by Helene Muri from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Olivier Sulpis, CEREGE - Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, IRD (France).
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Ambassador Workshop 2024

On 3-4 July 2024, the four EMB Ambassadors joined the EMB Secretariat at their offices in Ostend, Belgium for a two-day training workshop.

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European Marine Board Communication Panel announces Tymon Zielinski as New Chair

The European Marine Board Communication Panel (EMBCP) is pleased to announce the election of Prof. Tymon Zielinski as its new Chair. Prof. Zielinski, from the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IO-PAN) in Poland, will bring his extensive experience and passion for marine science communication to this important role.
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Launch of EMB Future Science Brief No. 11 on ‘Marine habitat mapping’

Today, on 17th June 2024, EMB launched its Future Science Brief No. 11 on ‘Marine habitat mapping’ during a ‘Brown bag lunch’ event, kindly hosted by DG Environment in Brussels. The main messages from the document were presented by Working Group Chairs Prof. Simonetta Fraschetti and Dr. James Strong, followed by an interactive discussion with the audience, and with members of the Working Group.
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EMB ECOPs submission to the Let's Be Nice to the Ocean initiative

The EMB Ambassadors and members of the EMB ECOP Network have teamed up with other early career and youth initiatives to make a submission to the Let's Be Nice to the Ocean initiative. The submission highlights the importance of involving youth and early careers in finding solutions for our Ocean.

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European Marine Board co-hosts the "Ecopath 40 years" conference

The “Ecopath 40 years – The Ecosystem Continuum: From knowledge to decisions” conference and workshops were held from 3-8 June 2024 at the InnovOcean campus in Ostend. Co-hosted by the European Marine Board and the Flanders Marine Institute (Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee, VLIZ), this event celebrated four decades of the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) marine ecosystem modelling software, an increasingly important tool for marine management and policy making.
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Fiona Grant elected Chair of the European Marine Board

Dr Fiona Grant, Head of International Programmes at the Marine Institute in Ireland, has been elected as the new Chair of the European Marine Board. Dr Grant has represented the Marine Institute at the European Marine Board since 2014, and has served as EMB vice-Chair since 2020.

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