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EMB Science Webinar - Critical research needs for informing environmental management of deep-sea mining

On Thursday 19 May 2022, EMB hosted its 20th Third Thursday Science Webinar featuring Dr. Pedro Ribeiro who gave a talk about 'Critical research needs for informing environmental management of deep-sea mining'. The webinar was 1 hour long and took place from 13:00 - 14:00 CEST.

This webinar was built on the science presented in EMB's Position Paper #22 on "Delving deeper: Critical Challenges for 21st Century Deep-Sea Research". 




Dr. Pedro Ribeiro is a researcher in marine ecology at the Department of Biological Sciences and the Centre for Integrated Deep-Sea Research of the University of Bergen, Norway. He conducts his research in the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, focusing on the biodiversity and ecology of deep-sea benthic ecosystems, including seamounts, sponge grounds and hydrothermal vents. Pedro is also interested in human impacts on the oceans, especially those from deep-sea mining and climate change.




The webinar is available on the EMB YouTube page and you can find a copy of the slides here.

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Online webinar