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EMB Science Webinar - Ecosystem effects of offshore windfarms: understanding and use for a sustainable future

On Thursday 15 June 2023, EMB hosted its 30th Third Thursday Science Webinar featuring Prof. Beth Scott who spoke about the ecosystem effects of offshore windfarms, linked to the science behind the EMB Future Science Brief No. 9 on 'European offshore renewable energy: towards a sustainable future'.

Beth Scott is a Professor in Marine Ecology at the University of Aberdeen.  She conducts multi-disciplinary research using her expertise in marine ecology (oceanography, seabird and fisheries sciences). Recently her research portfolio (PELAgIO, PREDICT and EcoNex) has been focused on the understanding of the effects of marine renewable energy systems on multi-trophic interactions. Her research team is developing methods for an ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning decision-support system to better incorporate ecosystem services and climate change knowledge into effective policies.   She is currently a Co-Director for the EPSRC Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Supergen Hub and a member of the Scottish Government Offshore Renewables Research (ScotMER) group and the Scottish Biodiversity Programme Board: Advisory Group.  She was  part of the European Marine Board Working Group on Marine Renewable Energy.

You can find the presentation slides here.

The webinar was recorded and is available to re-watch here.


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Online webinar