EMB activities
EMB Science Webinar on Distribution models and habitat mapping for the application of an ecosystem approach to management (December 2024)
EMB Brown Bag Lunch No. 7 'Marine habitat mapping to meet biodiversity, conservation and restoration objectives' (June 2024)
EMB Future Science Brief No. 11 'Marine habitat mapping' (June 2024)
EMB Science Webinar on Sailing for oxygen - how citizen science can help understand ocean deoxygenation (December 2023)
EMB Science Webinar on The impact of deoxygenation in the Black Sea on ecosystem services: insights from BRIDGE-BS expeditions (September 2023)
EMB launch webinar presenting Future Science Brief 10 on Ocean oxygen (June 2023)
Future Science Brief 10, Ocean oxygen: the role of the Ocean in the oxygen we breathe and the threat of deoxygenation (June 2023)
Policy Brief 10, Uncovering the hidden threat of Marine Geohazards in Europe (April 2022)
EMB Science Webinar on Marine Geohazards in Europe (December 2021)
Position Paper 26, Marine geohazards: Safeguarding society and the Blue Economy from a hidden threat (November 2021)
Valuing Marine Ecosystem Services
EMB Science Webinar on Involving Stakeholders in Co-creation of Ecosystem Services Research (September 2021)
EMB Science Webinar on Case studies on marine ecosystem service valuation (January 2021)
Future Science Brief 4, Valuing Marine Ecosystems - Taking into account the benefits of ecosystem services in the Blue Economy (April 2019)
EMB Science Webinar on Skills intelligence in the Offshore Renewable Energy sector (September 2024)
ECOP Wednesdays Webinar on How to use your PhD without being an academic (November 2022)
Sea Tech Week Workshop on The future of observations from seabed to space: Training to support marine science (October 2020)
Future Science Brief 2, Training the 21st Century Marine Professional: A new vision for marine graduate education and training programmes in Europe (April 2018)
EMB Universities Consortium Panel (EMB UCP)
EMB Science Webinar on An insight into INSITE (the influence of structures in the ecosystem programme) (March 2022)
Policy Brief 3, Decommissioning of offshore man-made installations: Taking an ecosystem approach (April 2017)
EMB Science Webinar on Unlocking Marine Genetic Resources (September 2022)
EMB Science Webinar on Marine biotechnology to advance Europe's bioeconomy (August 2022)
Policy Brief 4, Marine Biotechnology: Advancing Innovation in Europe’s Bioeconomy (September 2017)
Position Paper 15, Marine Biotechnology: a Vision and Strategy for Europe (September 2010)
Position Paper 4, Marine Biotechnology: A European Strategy for Marine Biotechnology (December 2001)
EMB Science Webinar on Restoration of deep-sea habitats to rebuild European Seas (February 2025)
EMB Science Webinar on Discovery of animal life in the ocean’s crust at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: implications for future research and management (November 2024)
ECOP Wednesdays Webinar on Mitigization of the deep-sea mining policy process in Norway (February 2024)
ECOP Wednesdays Webinar on From a research project to a policy management tool: Pressures in the deep sea and Marine Protected Areas (July 2023)
ECOP Wednesdays Webinar on The pursuit of deep seabed mining in the face of uncertainties (April 2023)
EMB Science Webinar on Critical research needs for informing environmental management of deep-sea mining (May 2022)
EMB Science Webinar on Are we delving any deeper? An update on EMB Position Paper 22 (October 2021)
Policy Brief 2, Delving Deeper: How can we achieve sustainable management of our deep sea through integrated research? (November 2015)
Position Paper 22, Delving Deeper: Critical challenges for 21st century deep sea research (September 2015)
EMB Science Webinar on Skills intelligence in the Offshore Renewable Energy sector (September 2024)
BAMBOO - Build scAled Modular Bamboo-inspired Offshore sOlar systems (2024-2026)
EMB Science Webinar on Data science for Offshore Renewable Energies: data availability and requirements for metocean analysis (January 2024)
EMB Science Webinar on Ecosystem effects of offshore windfarms: Understanding and use for a sustainable future (June 2023)
Launch webinar on European offshore renewable energy: Towards a sustainable future (April 2023)
Future Science Brief 9, European offshore renewable energy: Towards a sustainable future (April 2023)
FLORES - Forward Looking at the Offshore Renewables (2023-2024)
ECOP Wednesdays Webinar on Ecological impacts of large-scale offshore wind farms in the Mediterranean Sea (October 2022)
Pact for Skills for Offshore Renewable Energy (January 2021)
Vision Document 2, Marine Renewable Energy (October 2010)
ECOP Wednesdays Webinar on Bridging Sustainability in Fisheries: Innovative Solutions and Advocacy for a Resilient Blue Economy (February 2025)
Position Paper 14, Science Dimensions of an Ecosystem Approach to Management of Biotic Ocean Resources (April 2010)
3rd Marine Board Forum - New Technologies for a Blue Future (April 2012)