The webinar "Involving Stakeholders in Co-creation of Ecosystem Services Research" built on the science presented in EMB's Future Science Brief 5 on 'Valuing Marine Ecosystem Services' and Position Paper 24 'Navigating the Future V', and included presentations and a discussion with Professor Linwood Pendleton and Dr Tara Hooper.
Linwood Pendleton is the Executive Director of the Ocean Knowledge Action Network, hosted in France. He holds the International Chair of Excellence at the European Institute for Marine Studies. Linwood was a member of the Executive Planning Committee of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and now serves on the interim Decade Advisory Board. Linwood has broad experience in marine conservation science with degrees in biology (William and Mary), ecology/evolution/behavior (Princeton), public administration (Harvard), and environmental economics (Yale). His work, both in academia and the real world, incorporates all of these fields and more. Linwood served as the Global Lead for Ocean Science at the World Wild Fund for Nature, was the Acting Chief Economist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration from 2011-2013, and is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Duke University Marine Laboratory. He has also collaborated with conservation organizations worldwide including WWF, The Nature Conservancy, Environmental Defense Fund, NRDC, and he served for nearly ten years on the Board of the Conservation Strategy Fund. He currently serves on the MarineGeo Advisory Council and the Marine GEOBON RCN.
Tara Hooper has a PhD in environmental economics and a wider background in marine ecology. After a mixed early career including six years working on a small island in the western Indian Ocean, she spent eight years at Plymouth Marine Laboratory and had brief spells at the University of Plymouth and JNCC before joining Natural England as its Principal Specialist in Marine Natural Capital and Ecosystems in June 2021. Her current work focuses on using the natural capital approach in marine planning and for the evaluation of marine management decisions, as well as exploring ecosystem service approaches to impact assessment and nature recovery. She has expertise in multicriteria analysis and in monetary valuation using choice experiment, contingent valuation and travel cost methods. She has a particular interest in the environmental and social impacts of marine renewable energy (and sits on the ICES Working Group on Offshore Wind Development and Fisheries), but her work has also encompassed assessments of estuarine and offshore habitats and coastal recreation. She will speak about "Structured approaches for stakeholder engagement".
The webinar was live-streamed on the EMB YouTube page and the recording is available there to re-watch here.
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