The EU Green Deal and the related Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy outlines Europe’s ambitions to harness the potential of offshore renewable energy for a climate neutral future, and to upscale the present capacity to reach 300 GW of offshore wind and 40 GW of Ocean energy by 2050. This could represent a ten-fold increase in the number of employees needed within the sector. Success in fulfilling these targets will largely depend on the availability of a growing and well-qualified labour force, prepared to underpin the industrial growth through the uptake of new technologies and innovations. Thus, human capital investment is expected to have a leveraging effect on industrial performance.
The Pact for Skills for Offshore Renewble Energy (P4S-ORE) Partnership, established in 2021, aims to underpin the success of offshore renewable energy strategy with the stimulation of a dedicated training offer, to promote re-skilling and up-skilling of the workforce, availability of training itineraries which intersect with other sectors, suitable preparation for new staff and measures for attracting talent, and a clear contribution to promoting strong labour standards. It is part of the European Commission’s flagship Pact for Skills action under the European Skills Agenda.
The initiative is always open to new members.
European Marine Board role:
EMB is reaching out to its marine science and policy network to share information and communicate on social media about the P4S-ORE. EMB uses its existing publications on Marine Graduate Training and Offshore Renewable Energy to provide advice from and to the marine science community regarding skills and training needs for ORE.
EMB also participates in the FLORES project which arose from this Partnership.
Contact at European Marine Board Secretariat: Paula Kellett Email