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BAMBOO tackles the barriers for the implementation of a sustainable, large-scale offshore Floating PhotoVoltaics (FPV) system of 150 MW, that will act as a blueprint for rollout of offshore FPV projects in Europe, and that is to be implemented in conjunction with the offshore wind leading EU utility-partner. Through assessments of energy yield, circularity of materials, environmental impact, Life-Cycle Assessment and end-of-life strategies, BAMBOO paves the way to scale offshore FPV systems to commercial and sustainable applications, significantly reducing emissions, while having a net-positive impact on the marine ecosystem.


Project type:

Horizon Europe, Topic: Floating PV Systems, Call: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-01-03


36 months (January 2024 – December 2026)


€7 million


15 European partners


RINA Consulting, Italy & Oceans of Energy, The Netherlands


EMB role:

Task leader in WP3 “Impact Assessments” and WP5 “Dissemination and Communication”















Background and objectives

Offshore Floating PV (FPV) is the next frontier in the solar energy industry. To combat global warming and meet the targets set by the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world including Europe will have to rely increasingly on renewable energy sources. Electricity generation is one sector in which the move towards non-polluting sources can be highly effective. Floating PV, and in particular, offshore FPV, is an upcoming application that can deliver a large share of the necessary quantity of renewable energy needed to achieve EU’s renewable energy targets for 2030 (‘Fit for 55’) and 2050 (climate-neutral). However, to date the great potential of offshore FPV remains untapped due a number of challenges linked to cost efficiency and device survivability. Project BAMBOO – Build scAled Modular Bamboo-inspired Offshore sOlar systems – addresses these key barriers to showcase the feasibility of scaling offshore FPV systems to commercial and sustainable applications before 2030.

European Marine Board role:

EMB will lead a task on organising and running a subject matter expert engagement workshop within Work Package 3, which focuses on impact assessments of floating PV installations. At this workshop, marine and social science experts will be brought together to consider the potential environmental and societal impacts of offshore floating solar installations and will inform the impact assessment strategies developed by the project. EMB will also lead a task on recommendations for EU policy development and research needs within Work Package 5 on dissemination and communication. Here, EMB will create a policy-facing publication on the main messages and recommendations of the project. EMB will also support other dissemination and communication of the project and its outputs.


Contact at European Marine Board Secretariat: Paula Kellett Email