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Ocean oxygen: The role of the Ocean in the oxygen we breathe and the threat of deoxygenation

On 13 June 2023, the European Marine Board (EMB) organised a webinar to present the new EMB Future Science Brief N°10 “Ocean oxygen: The role of the Ocean in the oxygen we breathe and the threat of deoxygenation”. This 1.5-hour online webinar included a presentation of the document and its main messages, a response to the document by the European Commission and a panel discussion with opportunity for Q&A. 

EMB's Future Science Brief N°10 on “Ocean oxygen: The role of the Ocean in the oxygen we breathe and the threat of deoxygenation” has been written by the EMB Working Group on Ocean oxygen, which kicked-off in June 2022. The document provides a holistic overview of Ocean oxygen, including how the Earth became oxygenated, the modern oxygen cycle, the issue of current Ocean deoxygenation and methods to study oxygen in the Ocean. It also links to the commonly used sentence in Ocean literacy and communication “Every second breath we take comes from the Ocean”, and outlines the most recent science behind this sentence.

In this webinar, the document and its main messages were presented, followed by a response to the document and its recommendations by the European Commission, and a panel discussion with an opportunity for Q&A from the audience.

You can access the webinar agenda here, download the PowerPoint slides here and watch the recording here.

More information about this EMB activity can be found here.


Image credit: Krystian Tambur, Unplash

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