European Marine Board Communication Panel announces Tymon Zielinski as New Chair
Launch of EMB Future Science Brief No. 11 on ‘Marine habitat mapping’
EMB ECOPs submission to the Let's Be Nice to the Ocean initiative
The EMB Ambassadors and members of the EMB ECOP Network have teamed up with other early career and youth initiatives to make a submission to the Let's Be Nice to the Ocean initiative. The submission highlights the importance of involving youth and early careers in finding solutions for our Ocean.
European Marine Board co-hosts the "Ecopath 40 years" conference
Fiona Grant elected Chair of the European Marine Board
Dr Fiona Grant, Head of International Programmes at the Marine Institute in Ireland, has been elected as the new Chair of the European Marine Board. Dr Grant has represented the Marine Institute at the European Marine Board since 2014, and has served as EMB vice-Chair since 2020.
EMB welcomes new EMB Ambassadors for 2024
We are delighted to introduce our two new EMB Young Ambassadors! We can now announce that Virginia Morejón, a PhD candidate at University College Dublin and funded by EMB Member the Marine Institute, Ireland and Laura Ciriminna, a PostDoc at University of Palermo which is part of EMB Member the CoNISMa consoritum, Italy have been selected! You can find out more about them here. We look forward to working with them.
European Marine Board participates in 2024 Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona
New EMBracing the Ocean artists
EMB ECOP Network Forum Proceedings Published
The Proceedings are now available for the first EMB ECOP Network Forum which was held in Santiago de Compostela on 8-9 October 2023. The in-person event was organised by the EMB Ambassadors. The Proceedings outline what took place, and present the main messages and outcomes of the Forum.
EMB is looking for an Executive and Finance Officer
The European Marine Board (EMB) invites applications for the position of Executive and Finance Officer. The EMB Executive and Finance Officer is employed by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) as part of a package of support provided by the Government of Flanders in hosting EMB at the InnovOcean site. The successful candidate will join the EMB Secretariat based at the InnovOcean campus in the port of Ostend, Belgium.