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Launch of Navigating the Future VI

Today, 23 October 2024, EMB launches its flagship foresight publication Navigating the Future VI. This document explores the critical role of the Ocean in relation to global climate, biodiversity, fresh water, and people, offering strategic direction regarding the future of marine research and policy.

Building on the success of previous editions, Position Paper No. 28 "Navigating the Future VI: Placing the Ocean within the Wider Earth System” emphasises the interconnectedness of the Ocean with the broader Earth system. It highlights the need for transdisciplinary collaboration to address pressing challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, water resilience and Ocean governance. Key recommendations focus on marine science’s role in supporting sustainability, policy development, and the protection of Ocean resources.

With contributions from leading experts across Europe, this Position Paper aligns with global efforts such as the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the EU Mission: Restore Our Ocean and Waters. This Position Paper is a valuable resource for policymakers, scientists, and stakeholders aiming to secure a healthier, more sustainable future for our Ocean and the wider Earth system.

Navigating the Future VI can be downloaded here and a press release can be accessed here.

Visit this page to learn more about previous Navigating the Future editions.

This Position Paper is launched at a dedicated event.