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EMB attends first Annual Surimi Meeting in Bergen

EMB Executive Director, Sheila Heymans, and Science Officer Ana Rodriguez attended the first Annual Meeting of SURIMI in Bergen, Norway, on 24-25 September 2024.

Photo credit: Andreas R. Graven, NORCE

The Horizon Europe funded SURIMI project aims to develop socio-economic and ecological models, which will be integrated into the Digital Twin Ocean (DTO) to simulate and inform ecosystem-based fisheries management. Surimi will also develop user-friendly tools, which will allow non-experts to run these models. The user-friendly tools will include Natural Language Processing (NLP), i.e. the possibility to run model simulations through written text and obtain easy-to-understand text explanations of the results, and a graphical interface, which will allow users to run custom-tailored analyses and what-if scenarios.

Although SURIMI kicked-off in May 2024, the first Annual Meeting brought all SURIMI partners in-person for the first time. During this meeting the partners discussed stakeholder engagement, communication and dissemination, and came together in workshops to discuss the opportunities and risks for the implementation of the various work packages.

SURIMI is led by NORCE and implemented together with the European Marine Board, Ecopath International Initiative Association, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, National Research Council in Italy, Konnecta Systems, ERINN Innovation and the University of Oxford. The project will actively involve a diverse range of stakeholders from research, industry, advocacy and policy to co-create the models and tools. 

EMB is the work package leader of co-creation, stakeholder engagement, dissemination, exploitation, and communication. EMB's main role is to lead on all stakeholder engagement activities to ensure the tools meet stakeholders needs.

You can find out more about SURIMI here.