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Ambassador Workshop 2024

On 3-4 July 2024, the four EMB Ambassadors joined the EMB Secretariat at their offices in Ostend, Belgium for a two-day training workshop.

Once a year, the EMB Ambassadors and Secretariat gather together for a two-day training workshop. This workshop is an opportunity for the Ambassadors and Secretariat to get to know each other and discuss common activities. The EMB Ambassadors help the EMB Secretariat to promote EMB and its activities espcially amongst their peers. They also manage the EMB Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) network and its activities.

The programme for the workshop included a discussion on the European marine science-policy landscape and EMB's role within it, an interactive session on writing for a policy audience, a discussion on the ongoing development of the EMB ECOP Network and its activities, and a general update on the Ambassador programme and recent activities.

You can find out more about our current Ambassadors here and about their activities here.