EMB Navigating the Future VI working group kicks off
On October 23-24th, representatives of the EMB member organizations gathered around our two campfires Sheila Heymans and Gilles Lericolais, to set the foundations of the 6th edition of the Navigating the Future publication (NFVI). As its predecessors, this publication is expected to have important impacts on marine research and policies, at national, European and international scale.
EMB Working Group on Ocean Oxygen meeting
EMB Ambassadors host workshop at YOUMARES Conference
On 14 October 2022, the EMB Young Ambassadors hosted a workshop on 'Connecting to the Ocean: Learning to consider varying perspectives in conservation research' at the YOUMARES Conference in Berlin.
EMB relocates to new offices
On 12 September 2022, the EMB Secretariat moved to their new offices within the purpose-built InnovOcean building in Ostend.
Launch of "Renaissance" exhibition by EMBracing the Ocean artist Lera Litvinova
EMB Young Ambassadors Training Workshop 2022
On 23-24 August 2022, the EMB Young Ambassadors attended a training workshop in Ostend, Belgium and Online.
Launching new training video to promote Respect at Sea
In cooperation with EMB and other international partners, today the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) launches a new training video to promote Respect at Sea. The video is being made available for all maritime institutions to use as part of their onboard training.
EMB Working Group on Ocean Oxygen kicks-off
On 21 and 22 June 2022, the new EMB Working Group on Ocean Oxygen met for the first time during the kick-off meeting held at the InnovOcean site in Ostende (Belgium) and online. The meeting was chaired by Sheila Heymans (EMB Executive Director) and the Working Group Chairs: Marilaure Grégoire (University of Liège, Belgium) and Andreas Oschlies (GEOMAR, Germany).
Marine Science Communication in Europe – new EMB Future Science Brief
Today, EMB launches its Future Science Brief N°8 ‘Marine Science Communication in Europe: a way forward’ in a dedicated webinar. Over the coming decade, marine science communication will become even more critical to achieving a more Ocean literate and sustainable society. Increased scientific dissemination and specialized communication will be required to support this increase in Ocean awareness. This document has been developed by the European Marine Board Communications Panel (EMBCP) and is underpinned by surveys among 80 European experts, 1861 students and 23 EMB Member organizations.
EMB at the UN Ocean Conference
The 2022 of the UN Ocean Conference will be taking place on 27 June - 1 July, in Lisbon, Portugal. As an accredited organization, EMB will be represented in person by Executive Director Sheila Heymans, Science Officer Britt Alexander, and EMB Young Ambassadors Rebecca Zitoun and Juliette Aminian Biquet.