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EMB Secretariat at the European Maritime Day

EMB Executive Director, Sheila Heymans, and Science Officer, Ángel Muñiz Piniella, represented EMB at the European Maritime Day in Brest, France (24-25 May 2023), the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and outline joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy.
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Meet the new EMBracing the Ocean artists (2023-2024)

Two new artist teams have been selected for the 2023 – 2024 edition of the EMBracing the Ocean programme: Studio ThinkingHand and Sonia Levy. They both have plans for innovative projects that not only have artistic value, but which also contribute to scientific research, and are expected to have a wide audience reach. We are looking forward to their work over the coming year, increasing the visibility of past and present marine life from the deep sea to shallow lagoons.
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Launch of offshore renewable energy publication

Today EMB launches its Future Science Brief No. 9 “European offshore renewable energy: Towards a sustainable future”. To achieve the EU Green Deal vision, the amount of installed offshore renewable energy generating capability in European must increase 30-fold compared to current installed capacity. However, in the rush to develop and install new offshore renewable energy devices across the European sea basins, we cannot ignore the potential environmental and societal impacts that they could have. This document highlights which steps need to be taken to ensure that the expansion of this sector is managed sustainably, responsibly and equitably. 

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EMB announces new EMB Young Ambassadors for 2023

We are delighted to introduce our two new EMB Young Ambassadors! We can now announce that Alexandra Hahn, a PhD at EMB Member GEOMAR, Germany and Riwan Leroux, a PostDoc at EMB Member IFREMER, France have been selected! You can find out more about them here. We look forward to working with them.

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EMB Working Group on Blue Carbon meets for the second time

On 8 March 2023, the EMB Working Group on Blue Carbon met for the second time online to discuss the first draft of the Policy Brief. The aim of this working group is to produce a Policy Brief on Blue Carbon which will be launched in late 2023.
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EMB Working Group on Deep Sea and Ocean Health kicks-off

On 8-9 February 2023, the new EMB Working Group on Deep Sea and Ocean Health met for the first time during the kick-off meeting held at the InnovOcean site in Ostende (Belgium) and online. The meeting was chaired by Sylvia Sander, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR, Germany) and Christian Tamburini, Institut Méditerranéen d'Océanologie (MIO, France).
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European Project FLORES Kicks Off

The European project FLORES kicks off to boost skills in the offshore renewable energy sector. 

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EMB opens call for 2 new Ambassadors

EMB is looking for two enthusiastic, engaged, and creative early career marine scientists to join their Ambassador Programme. The Ambassadors will play an important role in advocating for EMB and promoting the societal and political relevance of all aspects of the Ocean and marine sciences, including natural sciences, social sciences, policy, and humanities, within their own communities, and to a wide diversity of stakeholders in Europe. The two new Ambassadors will collaborate and liaise with our current Ambassadors and recent Alumni to share experiences and ideas and work on activities together. 

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Call for EMBracing the Ocean Artists: 2023 - 2024 programme

The European Marine Board is looking for two new artists for the 2023 – 2024 edition of our ‘EMBracing the Ocean’ artist-in-residence programme.
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Fifth edition of the CommOCEAN conference

From 30 November to 1 December 2022, the 5th International Conference on Marine Science Communication (CommOCEAN 2022) will take place in Sète (France) and online. The conference is organized by the European Marine Board Communication Panel, in partnership with the University of Montpellier, GéoSciences Montpellier, UMR MARBEC, Ifremer and Universités Marines.
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