EMB Young Ambassador blog on empathy and stakeholders
In his new blog, EMB Young Ambassador Dr Alfredo García de Vinuesa gives his views on the importance of empathy when working with stakeholders.
EMB Annual Report 2021
Although the impact of the pandemic continued to be noticeable for all, we can look back on a successful 2021 in the end. This year marked the start of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, to which the EMB proudly became the very first Implementing Partner. This news was shared during EMB's 8th Open Forum, organized as a hybrid event in Brussels and online, where a wide variety of Ocean stakeholders were brought together. EMB was able to publish three publications and launch the impact video for the NFV document. Find out all about our activities in the EMB Annual Report 2021.
Brown Bag Lunch n°5 on Offshore Groundwater
On Monday 13 June 2022, EMB hosted its 5th Brown Bag Lunch on the topic of "Offshore freshened Groundwater: An unconventional water resource in coastal regions". This event included lunch, offered by EMB, followed by a presentation from Prof. Aaron Micallef, Senior Scientist at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre in Kiel, Germany, and ended with an interactive discussion.
Launching ECOP Wednesdays
EMB at European Maritime Day 2022
Uncovering a hidden threat in Europe - new EMB Policy Brief
Meet the EMBracing the Ocean artists-in-residence
Michael Begg, an award-winning experimental composer and sound artist based in Scotland, and Emily Lartillot, a French dancer, dance teacher, and choreographer with Steps For A Change (SFAC) dance company, have been selected as EMB's first artists-in-residence as part of the EMBracing the Ocean programme.
Publication of 8th EMB Forum Proceedings
The 8th EMB Forum Proceedings were published today and provide a summary of the discussions that took place in Brussels and online on 1 December 2021, along with key messages. Taking place at the end of its first year, the 8th EMB Forum provided the opportunity to reflect on what has been achieved for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) in Europe, and what more needs to be done to ensure the Decade is a success.
EMB Working Group on Marine Habitat Mapping Kicks Off
On 8 April 2022, the new EMB Working Group on Marine Habitat Mapping met for the first time during the kick-off meeting held in Naples, Italy and online. The meeting was chaired by Simonetta Fraschetti (University of Naples Federico II & Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (SZN), Italy) and James Strong (National Oceanography Centre (NOC), UK).
New EMB Young Ambassadors for 2022 announced
We are delighted to introduce our two new EMB Young Ambassadors! We can now announce that Juliette Aminian Biquet, a PhD at student at the Centro de Ciências do Mar in Portugal thanks to a scholarship from EMB Member FCT, and Alfredo Santiago Garcia de Vinuesa Gutierrez, a PostDoc at EMB Member the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) in Cadiz, Spain have been selected! You can find out more about them here. We look forward to working with them.