Creating an even more inclusive workplace culture is an ongoing priority for marine science institutions worldwide. Given the unique working environment of research ships and the potential to be at sea for weeks or even months, it is essential to promote positive values that instill respect for their colleagues.
The chance to go to sea and undertake Ocean science and research is a unique experience and unparallel to many institutions. To galvanise inclusive culture onboard research ships, NERC (Natural Environment Research Council), together with EMB, the National Oceanography Centre (UK), the World Maritime University and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, has launched a thought-provoking training video designed to empower Ocean researchers and remind them of their responsibility to respect colleagues and promote inclusion. The messages arise from those submitted by people who are working or have worked at sea, and the video format is based on a similar video about diversity created by UK chain John Lewis.
The video is the latest element of NERC’s ED&I (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) commitments and features oceanographers and marine engineers who share their joy of going to sea and calls for colleagues to treat each other with respect. The video was created by Yellow Seabird.
Commenting on the production of the training video Professor Sheila Heymans, Executive Director of EMB said “Every person, regardless of who they are or where they come from, deserves to be treated with respect, when working at sea or in any other setting. It has been a real pleasure to work with NOC and other international partners to highlight this message”.
“Investigating the vast and rapidly changing ocean is one of the great challenges of our age which needs the diverse talents of many people from different backgrounds to make it possible and to engage with diverse communities about the inspiration and important of the sea in all our lives. That is why I am proud of the work done in bringing together many voices in this video to emphasise the importance of mutual respect for others especially whilst working at sea – what is OK and what is not OK. I trust with timely and important reminders brilliantly delivered and drawing on real experiences will bring home to all that we will only succeed in our work with respect and understanding, that destructive behaviours are not acceptable, and the high standards of behaviour are as important, if not more so, at sea as anywhere else” said Professor Ed Hill, Chief Executive of the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), UK and EMB delegate.
NERC is making the video available for all maritime institutions to use as part of their onboarding training for those setting sail. This video has also been endorsed as an Ocean Decade activity.
You can watch the full video here. The video has subtitles available in Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. If someone is willing to translate the subtitles into additional lanuagues, please contact the EMB Secretariat to discuss this.