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A bird's eye view on 25 years of EMB's marine research activities

On Friday 12 June 2020, EMB Executive Director Sheila Heymans gave an overview of how the EMB has been developing, promoting and linking marine science to societal challenges in the past 25 years. She did this as the guest speaker on the AIR Centre Networking Fridays, moderated by Wendy Watson-Wright.

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EMB Working Group on Underwater Noise Kicks Off

On 8 June 2020, the new EMB Working Group on Underwater Noise met for the first time during the kick-off meeting held online. The meeting was chaired by Frank Thomsen (DHI, Denmark) and Sonia Mendes (JNCC, UK).

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Launch of Oceans and Human Health Policy Brief

Today EMB launches Policy Brief No. 8 on “Policy Needs for Oceans and Human Health” (pdf), produced together with the EU-funded SOPHIE (Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe) project of which EMB is a partner.

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The EU4Ocean Coalition on Ocean Literacy is ready to sail

On June 8th, the first Virtual Ocean Literacy Summit will be organised on the occasion of the World Oceans Day. There is no better chance to celebrate the creation of the European Union's initiative dedicated to ocean literacy, the EU4Ocean coalition, together with Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, and IOC-UNESCO. Because of the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will meet virtually to officially announce and celebrate this launch and share ideas and perspective for the protection of our blue planet. 
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Webinar launch of EMB's 6th Future Science Brief 'Big Data in Marine Science'

EMB’s 6th Future Science Brief on ‘Big Data in Marine Science’ was launched today during a dedicated webinar, with over 400 participants. The publication is the outcome of the work of the EMB Working Group on Big Data, which kicked-off in May 2019.

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Launch of Strategic Research Agenda for Oceans and Human Health

Today is the launch of a new Strategic Research Agenda for Oceans and Human Health in Europe
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EMB 7th Forum on Big Data in Marine Science - POSTPONED

Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, the 7th EMB Forum on Big Data in Marine Science is postponed to 23 October 2020. Join a webinar launching the new publication on Big Data in Marine Science on 29 April instead.
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Launch of Policy Brief on European Research Vessels

Today EMB launches Policy Brief No. 7 on “Next Generation European Research Vessels” (pdf) at the EUROFLEETS+ project meeting in Lisbon.

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New EMB Young Ambassadors for 2020 Announced

We are delighted to introduce our two new EMB Young Ambassadors! We can now announce that Natalija Dunić, a PostDoc from EMB Member the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IZOR) in Croatia, and Alessandro Cresci, a PostDoc at EMB Member the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Norway, have been selected! You can find out more about them here. We look forward to working with them.

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EMB kick-off work on marine geohazards

On 10-11 February 2020, the EMB Working Group on marine geohazards and the blue economy held its kick-off meeting in Rome. The group will deliver a Future Science Brief highlighting the importance on increasing our knowledge on marine geohazards and the risks they can pose to current and future activities at sea and the population at the coast.

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