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Publication of 7th EMB Forum Proceedings

The 7th EMB Forum Proceedings were published today and provide a summary of the discussions that took place online on 23rd October 2020, along with key messages. The 7th EMB Forum provided the opportunity to reflect on the role of big data in advancing marine science to support recent policy developments i.e. the European Green Deal, the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy, and the development of a Digital Twin Ocean (DTO). 192 participants from Europe and further afield were present, representing academia, government, industry, and NGOs. Experts gave presentations and participated in panel discussions with audience interaction. Full recordings of the sessions are available on the EMB YouTube Channel.

Big data are rapidly transforming our society and leading to a paradigm shift in the way we face major challenges such as climate change and the sustainable management of marine resources. The expansion of the scale and scope of Ocean observing systems, and other data sources, generates a flood of highly complex Ocean data, often in near real-time. It is of utmost importance to integrate data so that it is readily available to support decision-making. The overarching vision and recommendations that resulted from the 7th EMB Forum discussions are presented within the proceedings and are supported by the European Marine Board.

Download the 7th EMB Forum Proceedings here.

Find out more about this event here.


Britt Alexander - European Marine Board secretariat


