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CETMAR, MATES and EMB hold event on research vessels

On 23 January 2020, CETMAR, the MATES project and EMB co-organized a stakeholder event on research vessels in Vigo, Spain. 
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EMB involved in major ocean observation project

This week, the H2020 EuroSea project, coordinated at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, will kick-off in Brussels. EuroSea will count on an international consortium of 55 partners and with a EU funding of 12.6 million euros. EMB leads the foresight on ocean observations.

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'Navigating the Future V: Recommendations for the Ocean Decade' policy brief launched at European Parliament

The European Marine Board (EMB) launches Policy Brief ‘Navigating the Future V: Recommendations for the Ocean Decade’ providing recommendations on the science needed to achieve the societal outcomes of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The Policy Brief was launched today at European Parliament during a multi-stakeholder event on ‘Key environmental challenges and the role of the sustainable development goals’ co-organized with the European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD).

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EMB held it's Autumn Plenary meeting in Berlin

On Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 November 2019, European Marine Board members and invited guests attend the EMB Autumn Plenary meeting, hosted by the German Marine Research Consortium KDM, at the WissenschaftsForum in Berlin. EMB is pleased to announce that the Stazione Zoologica di Napoli 'Anton Dorhn' joined the European Marine Board, becoming EMB's 34th member organisation.
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Launch of Position Paper on European research vessels

EMB, in collaboration with the European Research Vessel Operators (ERVO) launches its Position Paper on Next Generation European Research Vessels.
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EMB Policy Brief 'Navigating the Future V: Recommendations for the Ocean Decade' to be launched at European Parliament on 19th November, 2019

The European Marine Board’s Policy Brief No6 ‘Navigating the Future V: Recommendations for the Ocean Decade’ will be launched at European Parliament on 19th November, 2019 as part of the 'Key environmental challenges & the role of the Sustainable Development Goals' event. The Policy Brief provides recommendations developed by European experts, as part of Navigating the Future V, to ensure that ocean science supports and guides the implementation of the SDGs, which is the focus of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainability (2021-2030). An increased use of ocean resources is required to achieve the SDGs and this must be done within the context of protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services to ensure their long-term sustainability. This event is co-organized by the European Bureau for Conservation and Development.

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EMB at OceanObs’19

EMB contributes to the pivotal conference on ocean observation with two Community White Papers (CWP) on biological and coastal observations, and on the role of stakeholders in ocean observation, both based on current EMB activities.
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3rd EMB Brown Bag Lunch: How marine stations address societal challenges?

On 2 October 2019, EMB organized it's 3rd Brown Bag Lunch Session on the importance of marine stations to address societal challenges. Dr. Matthew Frost, MBA Deputy Director and President of the European Network of Marine Stations (MARS) started the conversation by providing some insight in the work that is being done at the approximately 1400 marine laboratories located around the world’s coastlines.


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Navigating the Future V article in EcoMagazine

EMB have published an article 'Marine Science for a Sustainable Future' in the July/August issue of EcoMagazine outlining key recommendations from our flagship publication, Navigating the Future V.

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Contract signed for new EMB Secretariat offices

The contract for the new InnovOcean building, which will include the offices of the EMB Secretariat, was signed this week in Brussels. The new InnovOcean Campus is expected to be completed in the second half of 2022.

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