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EMB is looking for an Executive and Finance Officer

The European Marine Board (EMB) invites applications for the position of Executive and Finance Officer. The EMB Executive and Finance Officer is employed by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) as part of a package of support provided by the Government of Flanders in hosting EMB at the InnovOcean site. The successful candidate will join the EMB Secretariat based at the InnovOcean campus in the port of Ostend, Belgium.

The Executive and Finance Officer manages the administration and governance operations; the organisations’ finances; and provides coordination and science support services to the EMB Secretariat team under the supervision of the Executive Director. The Executive and Finance Officer also acts in the role of management assistant to the Executive Director. This is an exciting opportunity to work as part of a dynamic, professional Secretariat to promote and advance marine science on behalf of the EMB membership of institutions from across Europe. The post can involve occasional visits to Brussels and some international travel.

We are looking for native Dutch speaking applicants with a Bachelor or Masters' Degree, excellent standards of spoken and written English and who have at least 2 years’ relevant experience in HR, Finance or Office administration. Applications including a full CV, short cover letter and a motivation statement (500 words max.) should be sent in electronic format to by Sunday 9 May 2021. Please include the reference EMB EFO2021 in the subject line of the email. Further details on how to apply can be found in the full job description.