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#EMBaparttogether Campaign

In the run-up to the EMB Spring Plenary 2021 meeting, this social media campaign highlights the connections between those who have a link to EMB, even though meeting in person is still not possible. Anyone with a link to EMB is invited to engage on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook!

This campaign aims to show that those with a link to EMB can be virtually together even though it is not yet possible to meet physically. This social media campaign is an opportunity to highlight the beautiful locations where those with a link to EMB are based, and the interesting science that they are conducting.

Everyone who is interested is welcome to participate in this campaign!




How you can participate

  • Take a picture of yourself in a marine setting / close to water / engaging in marine research
  • Include the EMB logo in the image. This can be printed/drawn out on paper, on an EMB fleece, on an EMB mouthmask, pasted in the corner before you post it….or even drawn in the sand!
  • Post your image on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook
  • Include #EMBaparttogether in your post, tag the relevant EMB account (see below), mention your link to EMB, and say where you are or what you are doing in the image


Twitter: @EMarineBoard
Instagram: emarineboard
Facebook: @EMarineBoard