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EMB ECOP Network Forum Proceedings Published

The Proceedings are now available for the first EMB ECOP Network Forum which was held in Santiago de Compostela on 8-9 October 2023. The in-person event was organised by the EMB Ambassadors. The Proceedings outline what took place, and present the main messages and outcomes of the Forum.

The first EMB ECOP Network Forum was held in Santiago de Compostela on 8-9 October 2023, back-to-back with the EurOCEAN 2023 conference. The Forum was organised by the EMB Ambassadors - Juliette Biquet, Alfredo Garcia de Vinuesa, Alexandra Hahn and Riwan Leroux - and brought together 38 ECOPs from 19 European countries, from across the EMB Member organisations. 

The Forum Proceedings outline what took place during the two days of the event, and also present the main messages and outcomes of the event. These messages relate to how we can all help ECOPs engage in the marine science-policy landscape. These messages were also presented by the Ambassadors during their keynote speech during the opening session of EurOCEAN 2023.

The event was generously supported and enabled by EMB, the Marine Institute in Ireland, the Spanish research council (CSIC) and local Spanish EMB Member CETMAR, the FundaciĆ³n Cidade da Cultura de Galicia, and the Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research (SCOR), as well as all of the EMB Member organisations who provided travel funding to their ECOPs to attend.

You can download the Forum Proceedings here.