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Ambassador Activities

The EMB Ambassadors cooperate with EMB on diverse activities for a two-year period. Read all about their activities and where you might run into them below.

3 April 2025: EMB Spring Plenary Meeting 2025 (Brussels, Belgium and online)

The two current Ambassadors for 2024-2026, Virginia and Laura, and the two newly appointed Ambassadors for 2025-2027 will attend the Spring Plenary 2025 meeting online and will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and outline their plannned activities for the coming year.

20 March 2025: Third Thursday Science Webinar

On 20 March, outgoing Ambassador Riwan Leroux and Alexandra Hahn were featured in the EMB Third Thursday Science Webinar series. They presented their own research work under the combined title of "From Coastal Waters to the Deep Sea: Marine Life Under Environmental Change". You can find out more about this session and rewatch the recording here.

14 March 2025: Sharing experiences with the Universites Marines Board

On 14 March, Ambassador Riwan Leroux had the opportunity to address the french Marine Universities Network's (Universites Marines) Board and speak about his experiences in the role of EMB Ambassador for 2023-2025, with the aim to promote the programme further in France.

20 January 2025: Speaking to colleagues in Germany

On 20 January, Ambassador Alexandra Hahn also took the opportunity to speak to colleagues and peers at GEOMAR, Germany and advertised the EMB ECOP Network and the Ambassador Programme.

14 January 2025: Speaking to colleagues in France

On 14 January, Ambassador Riwan Leroux had the opportunity to speak to his colleagues and peers at Ifremer and Universites Marines, France, about the EMB ECOP Network and the Ambassador Programme.

10 January 2025: BRIDGE-BS Brokerage Event

On 10 January 2025, EMB Ambassador Laura Ciriminna was invited to speak during the online BRIDGE-BS Project Blue Move Brokerage event. She spoke about her experience in mobility during her career, sharing experiences with young researchers from the Black Sea, and also took the opportunity to highlight the EMB Ambassador programme and ECOP Network.

7-10 October 2024: All-Atlantic Forum 2024 (Ottowa, Canada)

Virginia Morejon received support to attend the All-Atlantic Forum 2024, including the main event and the invitation-only Intergenerational Dialogue side event. She presented her role as EMB Ambassador and talked about the work of EMB where relevant, and also invited attendees to visit the EMB website to see latest events and publications. 

1-2 October 2024: EMB Autumn Plenary Meeting 2024 (Rhodes, Greece and online)

The EMB Young Ambassadors attended and engaged in the EMB Autumn Plenary meeting online.

29 August 2024: 35th International Geographical Congress 2024 (Dublin, Ireland)

EMB Ambassador Virginia Morejon attended the International Geographical Congress 2024 in Ireland and took the oppoertunity to speak about her role as EMB Ambassador as well as about EMB and its activities.

27 August 2024: AQUA 2024 Conference (Copenhagen, Denmark)

EMB Ambassador Laura Ciriminna attended the AQUA 2024 in Denmark and included information about her role as EMB Ambassador within her oral presentation, as well as spreading the word about EMB and its activities.

3-4 July 2024: Ambassador Workshop (Ostend, Belgium)

In July, the four EMB Ambassadors came to the Secretariat offices in Ostend for a 2-day workshop. During that time, they will learnt about the marine science-policy landscape in Europe and EMB's role within that, discussed their own activities including the ECOP Network, had an interactive workshop on policy writing, and got to know each other and the Secretariat. You can find out more here.

3-7 June 2024: MSEAS Conference (Yokohama, Japan)

EMB Ambassador Alumni Alfredo Garcia de Vinuesa attended the Marine Socio-Ecological Systems Symposium (MSEAS) in Japan and took the opportunity to spread the word about EMB and its activities to an international audience.

June 2024: Let's be nice to the ocean - ECOP Contibution

In the run-up to the UN Ocean Conference 2025, to be held in Nice, France, the 'Let's be nice to the Ocean' initiative has been launched. A warm up event called Immersed in Change is being held on 7-8 June 2024. The EMB Young Ambassadors and Alumni, together with representatives from the Euromarine Oyster Network, the Ocean Decade ECOP Network, Youth4Ocean and the Global Youh Biodiversity Network have submitted a contribution to this event. The document outlines the importance of engaging with ECOPs to support Ocean development and sustainability, building on themessages that came out of the first EMB ECOP Network Forum in October 2023. You can read the full contribution here

24-25 April 2024: Attending EMB Spring Plenary 2024 meeting (Online)

On 24-25 April the current EMB Ambassadors Riwan Leroux and Alexandra Hahn, as well as new Ambassadors Virginia Morejon and Laura Ciriminna, joined the EMB Spring Plenary 2024 meeting. They had an opportunity to introduce themselves and present their planned activities for the coming year.

March 2024: Meet our ECOPs series

In March 2024, the EMB Ambassadors started the Meet our ECOPs social media campaign. For one week per month, members of the EMB ECOP Network and their work are highlighted on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. You can see previous posts here and apply to join the network and be featured here.

27 February 2024: Presenting EMB and the Ambassador Programme (Brest, France)

EMB Ambassador Riwan Leroux took the opportunity to present EMB and the Ambassador Prgramme to colleagues and peers at IFREMER and the Universités Marines network.

6 December 2023: Speaking to new Norwegian members (Online)

Young Ambassador Alexandra Hahn joined EMB Executive Director Sheila Heymans to speak to the new Norwegian members about EMB, the Ambassador programme and the ECOP Network.

12-13 October 2023: EMB Autumn Plenary Meeting 2023 (Vigo, Spain)

The EMB Young Ambassadors attended the EMB Autumn Plenary meeting in person and had the opportunity to present the main messages and outcomes from the ECOP Network Forum. 

10-11 October 2023: EurOCEAN 2023 Conference (Vigo, Spain)

The EMB Young Ambassadors attended the EurOCEAN 2023 conference, and during the conference's opening session, they were given the floor to present the main messages and outcomes from the ECOP Network Forum in a Keynote Address

8-9 October 2023: First EMB ECOP Network Forum (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

Back to back with the EurOCEAN 2023 conference, the EMB Young Ambassadors organised the first EMB ECOP Network Forum. The EMB Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) Network bring together early career researchers based at or funded by EMB member organisations. This Forum brought together representatives from those organisations to network, learn about the European science-policy landscape and receive hands-on training on how to interact with and effectively communicate their science to policymakers. You can find the Forum Proceedings here.

15-16 June 2023: EMB Young Ambassador Training Workshop (Ostend, Belgium)

In June, the current EMB Young Ambassadors attended a 2-day training workshop at the EMB offices in Ostend. During the workshop, they learned more about the marine science policy landscape and EMB's role in this, gained useful soft skills including in communications, and discussed their planned activities, especially the EMB ECOP Network Forum in more detail. You can find out more about the workshop here.

29 May - 2 June 2023: InterDis Summer School (Palma, Spain)

EMB Young Ambassador Juliette Biquet spoke about the EMB ECOP Network and its activities at the InterDis Summer School co-organised by the ICES Strategic Initiative on the Integration of Early Career Scientists (SIIECS) and the ​Orienting Young ScienTists of EuromaRine (OYSTER) group.

May 2023: Riwan Leroux engages in EMB working group

Since May 2023, EMB Young Ambassador Riwan Leroux has been engaging actively in the current EMB working group on Deep Sea and Ocean Health, as his research is closely related to the topic being addressed. 

27-28 April 2023: EMB Spring Plenary Meeting 2023 (Online)

The four EMB Ambassadors joined the online EMB Spring Plenary Meeting. During the science session they had the opportunity to introduce themselves to the EMB Board Members, and also presented their current progress towards organising the EMB ECOP Network Forum event on 8-9 October 2023.

April 2023: Blog on participating in Ocean Hackathons in different roles

EMB Young Ambassadors Juliette Aminian Biquet and Rebecca Zitoun have written a blog about their different experiences of participating in an Ocean Hackathon as a participant and as a mentor. They also summarise their main take-away messages about engaging in these kinds of events. You can read the full blog here.

16 March 2023: Outgoing Ambassador Science Webinar

To celebrate the work of outgoing and experiences EMB Young Ambassadors Anjali Gopakumar and Rebecca Zitoun, the EMB Science Webinar on 16 March 2023 featured them both. The webinar was called "Experiences from the EMB Young Ambassadors" and took place from 13:00-14:00 CET. Anjali spoke about "Lessons and introspections from an ECOP’s perspective", and Rebecca spoke about "Connecting research with marine policy and society". You can find out more here and re-watch the event on the EMB YouTube Channel.

March 2023: Blog on considering varying perspectives in conservation research

EMB Young Ambassador Juliette Aminian Biquet has written a blog based on the workshop she co-organised on learning to consider varying perspectives in conservation research as part of the YOUMARES 2022 conference. You can read the full blog here.

1 March 2023: ECOP Wednesdays session on Experiences including socioecological knowledge from Spanish and west African stakeholders

On 1 March, as part of the ECOP Wednesdays series, EMB Young Ambassador Alfredo Garcia de Vinuesa, alongside his supervisor Marcos Llope, spoke about his work together with stakeholders in both Europe and Africa. You can find more about this session and rewatch the presentations here.

3-9 February 2023: Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (Vancouver, Canada)

EMB Young Ambassador attended the youth event and main part of the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5) being held in Vancouver, Canada. She also took the opportunity to speak about relevant EMB activities. You can find out more about the Congress here and hear her thoughts about the conference youth event here.

January 2023: Blog on experiences of working with stakeholders in Africa

EMB Young Ambassador Alfredo Garcia de Vinuesa has written a blog based on his experiences in holding stakeholder workshops in Senegal late in 2022. The blog is called "Working together with African stakeholders for a sustainable relationship with the ocean". You can read the full blog here.

January 2023: Blog on interviews with EMB artists-in-residence

At the end of 2022, EMB Young Ambassador Anjali Gopakumar interviewed EMB 2022-2023 EMBracing the Ocean artists-in-residence Lera Litvinova and Michael Begg about their work and experiences. The results are presented in her blog "In hindsight: 2022 with two EMB artists-in-residence". You can read the full blog here.

23-24 November 2022: Hack4oceans Hackathon (Brussels, Belgium)

EMB Young Ambassador Rebecca Zitoun attended the Hack4Oceans Hackathon event on creating prosperity through sustainable use of the oceans, organized by the European Commission, and offered her expertise as a pitch coach and business expert. You can find out more about this event here and see some pictures and video here.

26-27 October 2022: EMB Autumn 2022 Plenary Meeting (Ostend, Belgium and Online)

Several of the EMB Young Ambassadors engaged in the EMB Autumn 2022 Plenary meeting in person or online, and provided their thoughts and inputs on the EMB activities and plans being discussed.

24-25 October 2022: Navigating the Future VI kick-off meeting (Ostend, Belgium)

EMB Young Ambassador Juliette Biquet attended the kick-off meeting of the working group who will work on the new edition of the EMB flagship Navigating the Future series, the sixth edition. She joined the Ocean and People Chapter as a team member and co-Chair, and wrote a news article about this meeting which you can find here.

19-23 October 2022: IPBES Youth Workshop 2022 (Isle of Vilm, Germany)

EMB Young Ambassador Juliette Biquet represented the EMB at the IPBES Youth Workshop 2022 which focussed on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Juliette was selected as one of only 25 participants from across the globe, with 5 from each of the UN regions. You can find out more about the workshop here.

14 October 2022: YOUMARES Workshop (Berlin, Germany)

During the YOUMARES Conference, the EMB Young Ambassadors organized a workshop on Connecting to the ocean: Learning to consider varying perspectives in marine conservation research. You can find out more about the conference here and about the workshop here.

23-24 August 2022: EMB Young Ambassador Training Workshop (Ostend, Belgium)

In August, the current EMB Young Ambassadors attended a 2-day training workshop at the EMB offices in Ostend. During the workshop, they learnt more about the marine science policy landscape and EMB's role in this, gained useful soft skills, and discussed their planned activities in more detail. You can find out more here.

27 June - 1 July 2022: UN Ocean Conference (Lisbon, Portugal)

EMB Young Ambassadors Rebecca Zitoun and Juliette Biquet will be attending the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, Portugal in person, and participating in the various sessions and side events. Rebecca is also engaging in three side events as a panelist/speaker: Developing the capacity we need for the ocean we want (29 June, 18:00 WEST); The Ocean as a global common - connecting generations of stakeholders through storytelling (30 June, 10:30 WEST); Evaluating Science, Valuing the Ocean (30 June, 13:30 WEST).

22 June 2022: Empathy and Stakeholders blog

In his first blog for EMB, Young Ambassador Alfredo García de Vinuesa talks about "Social skills in marine scientists: Empathy as a resource to work together with stakeholders". You can read the full blog here.

21 June 2022: Meeting with EU4Ocean / Youth4Ocean

The EMB Young Ambassadors met online with representatives from the European Commission's EU4Ocean Platform and in particular from the Youth4Ocean Forum to exchange information on current activities and to look for potential synergies and opportunities for cooperation.

10 June 2022: Launching ECOP Wednesdays

Following the launch of the EMB Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) network in March 2022, in June 2022 the Ambassadors and EMB Secretariat announced the start of the ECOP Wednesdays webinar series. The ECOP Wednesdays series provides members of the EMB ECOP network with an opportunity to learn more about the wider context of their own research, and about different aspects of the European and international marine science policy, as well as with an opportunity to connect with others who have an interest in this field. You can find out more about this series here.

4 May 2022: Presentation to SNAPQUIVIR project (Cadiz, Spain)

New EMB Young Ambassador Alfredo Santiago Garcia de Vinuesa Gutierrez spoke during a SNAPQUIVIR project meeting about his new role. This is a 4-year Spanish-funded project focus on managing the Guadalquivir Estuary with stakeholders.

27-28 April 2022: EMB Spring Plenary 2022 Meeting (Online)

The two current EMB Young Ambassadors and the two new incoming Ambassadors attended the EMB plenary meeting. They introduced themselves, and provides updates on their activities and plans for 2022.

21 April 2022: Outgoing Ambassador Science Webinar

To celebrate the work of outgoing EMB Young Ambassadors Alessandro Cresci and Natalija Dunić, the EMB Science Webinar on 21 April 2022 featured them both. The webinar was called "Can early career scientists make a difference in achieving the Ocean we want? - Experiences from the EMB Young Ambassadors" and took place from 13:00-14:00 CEST. You can find out more here and re-watch the event on the EMB YouTube Channel.

April 2022: Presentation to lab at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia)

EMB Young Ambassador Anjali Gopakumar has moved from the University of Bologna (Italy) to Macquarie University (Australia) for the second part of her cotutelle PhD, and presented to her new colleagues about EMB and the Ambassador programme.

30 March 2022: EMB ECOP Network kick off

The EMB Young Ambassadors are setting up a network to bring together Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) who are based at EMB Member organizations. You can find out more about this network here. On 30 March 2022, the first online event took place in the form of an informal meet and greet. You can find out more about this event here.

11 February 2022: Ambassador programme blog

In his new blog, EMB Young Ambassador Alessandro Cresci talks about "Two Years of European Marine Board Young Ambassadorship - An Eye-Opening Experience as an Early Career Scientist". You can read the full blog here.

9 February 2022: Big Data blog

In her new blog, EMB Young Ambassador Natalija Dunić on "Do we really need all these data, and what do we do with them?" she talks about her experiences in working with data and looks forward to what could be possible and necessary in future. You can read the full blog here.

20 January 2022: Failure in Academia blog

In her first blog post, EMB Young Ambassador Rebecca Zitoun on "Failure in Academia - The Upside of Down" she reflects on our relationship with failure and proposes that we reconsider how we view it. You can read the full blog here.

1 December 2021: Speaking at the 8th EMB Forum (Brussels, Belgium and Online)

The four EMB Young Ambassadors attended and spoke at the 8th EMB Forum on "Supporting the Ocean Decade in Europe". They participated in a panel discussion during a session on "Engaging Early Career Ocean Professional’s in the Ocean we want".

12 November 2021: Presenting at the GEOMAR (Kiel, Germany)

EMB Young Ambassador Rebecca Zitoun has moved from NIOZ (Netherlands) to GEOMAR (Germany), and presented to her new colleagues Research Division 4 about EMB and the Ambassador programme on 12 November 2021.

8 November 2021: Launch of EMB Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) network initiative (Online)

The EMB Ambassadors are launching a new initiative aiming to link up the ECOPs who are linked with the various EMB member organizations. You can find out more about this initiative here.

2 November 2021: Presenting at the Black Sea Ambassadors Autumnm School 2021 (Online)

On 2 November, EMB Young Ambassador Rebecca Zitoun spoke about the EMB Young Ambassadors programme, her experiences and recent activities during the Black Sea Ambassadors Autumn School 2021. You can read the press release for this event here.

28-29 October 2021: EMB Autumn Plenary Meeting 2021 (Bergen, Norway and Online)

The four EMB Young Ambassadors had the opportunity to attend the EMB Autumn Plenary meeting either in person in Bergen, Norway or online, to hear more about the activities of the Board and its governance, and to engage in discussions during the Open Session.

26 October 2021: Presenting at University of Split (Split, Croatia)

On 26 October, Natalija Dunić presented her research on "The impact of global warming on the properties of Adriatic" to the Faculty at the University of Split, and also took the opportunity to mention her work as an EMB Young Ambassador.

23 September 2021: Boosting the impact of your science through effective communication: Learning how to be heard by media, policy makers and stakeholders (Online)

As part of the ICYMARE early career ocean professional conference, EMB Young Ambassadors Alessandro Cresci, Rebecca Zitoun and Anjali Gopakumar organized a 3-hour workhop on "Boosting the impact of your science through effective communication: Learning how to be heard by media, policy makers and stakeholders". The session discussed the basics, principles, and strategies that make communicating to media, policymakers, and stakeholders effective. Invited experts shared techniques, tricks and lessons learnt on how to become an impactful communicator. By introducing the European science-policy landscape and the Ocean Decade, the workshop showed why good communication can make a difference. The workshop allowed attendees to have discussions and ask questions, and share ideas. You can find out more about this workshop here and read a blog article about it here.

July 2021: Oceanographers on the island blog

Following her experiences in setting up a marine science public outreach initiative in her native Croatia, EMB Young Ambassador Natalija Dunić wrote a blog on "Oceanographers on the island - young generations for a scientific future!" highlighting what had inspired her to do so and encouraging others to do the same. You can read the full blog here.

12-15 June 2021: Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2021 (Online and Brisbane, Australia)

EMB Young Ambassador Rebecca Zitoun participated online in the Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress, and in particular represented EMB during the Future Oceans Workshop organized by the Global Sustainability Scholars and the Early Career Ocean professionals on 14 June 2021. The workshop built a diverse and transdisciplinary global network of early career researchers interested in solutions toward sustainable oceans.

1 June 2021: Virtual Early Career Ocean Professional (V.ECOP) Day (Online)

On 1 June, EMB Young Ambassador Natalija Dunić and Rebecca Zitoun participated in the 24-hour Virtual Early Career Ocean Professional Day event. Natalija moderated a panel discussion on "Why do we need FAIR data to reach our ocean goals?" drawing on both her own work and experience as well as the recent EMB publication on Big Data in Marine Science and the EMB 7th Forum. This panel discussion took place during a session on Research Infrastructures and data - Sharing and exchanging opportunities. Rebecca gave a presentation on "Ocean Literacy - Why, what, and who?", during a session on Ocean and society: Ocean literacy and inclusivity.

27 May 2021: NIOZ Interview with Rebecca Zitoun

EMB Member the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), where our EMB Young Ambassador Rebecca Zitoun is based, has published a news article following an interview with her. In the article, she outlines her vision and ambitions for what can be achieved over the next two years in the role. She says “I want to help them understand that we can be involved in big decisions and should help bridge the gap between science and society.” You can read the full article hereImage credit: NIOZ

26-27 May 2021: EMB Spring Plenary Meeting 2021 (Online)

On 27 May, during the Science Session of the EMB Spring Plenary Meeting 2021, the four Ambassadors had the opportunity to introduce themselves to the EMB Board Members and present their planned actvities for the coming year. They were also able to attend other sessions of the EMB Plenary meeting to find out more about how the Board operates and makes decisions, and to engage in discussions during the Open Session.

25 May 2021: Presenting to University of Split (Online and Split, Croatia)

On 25 May 2021, EMB Young Ambassador Natalija Dunić had the opportunity to present her work and the European Marine Board to Bachelors and Masters students at the Faculty of Science of the University of Split in Croatia. 18 students were able to attend the lecture either online or in person.

14 April 2021: Ambassadors training Workshop (Online)

On 14 April 2021, the two new EMB Young Ambassadors, Rebecca Zitoun and Anjali Gopakumar, joined the current Ambassadors, Natalija Dunić and Alessandro Cresci, and the EMB Secretariat for a half-day online workshop. During the workshop, the Ambassadors met the EMB team and each other, learnt more about EMB and our activities, and about the European marine science-policy landscape. It was also an opportunity to plan for the coming year of activities.

25 March 2021: Ambassadors speak to students at the MASTS Graduate Retreat (Online)

On 25 March 2021, two of the EMB Young Ambassadors, Natalija Dunić and Alessandro Cresci, will speak about their experiences as EMB Young Ambassadors, and about the benefits of engaging in wider science and policy activities at the graduate retreat organized for their students by EMB member MASTS, UK. You can find Natalija's presentation here and Alessadro's presentation here.

18 March 2021: EMB Science Webinar featuring Alba González Vega and Liam Lachs (Online)

On 18 March 2021, the two outgoing EMB Young Ambassadors, Alba González Vega and Liam Lachs, presented their research and experiences during the EMB Science Webinar on Submerged volcanoes, and coral reefs under climate change: Early career perspectives from EMB Young Ambassadors. You can find out more about this webinar here and re-watch the event on the EMB YouTube Channel.

22-24 February 2021:Natalija Dunić engaged in the BlueMed Project Final Conference (Online)

On 22-24 February 2021, Natalija Dunić participated in and spoke at the BlueMed project final conference, and in particular in a session engaging with the project's own Young Ambassadors

January 2021: Liam Lachs engages in EMB working group activities

Liam Lachs became a member of the new EMB working group on Coastal Resilience, which kicked off activities on 29 January 2021, as his work on coral reef ecology and restoration is very relevant to this topic.

4-5 November 2020: Participating in the EMB Autum Plenary Meeting 2020 (Online)

On 4-5 November 2020, all four of EMB Ambassadors participated in the various sessions of the EMB Autumn Plenary Meeting 2020, including the open session which discussed COVID-19 and the impacts on marine science.

23 October 2020: Natalija Dunić, Alba González Vega and Liam Lachs speak at the 7th EMB Forum (Online)

On 23 October 2020, three of the EMB Ambassadors gave a speech outlining their ideas on supporting the ocean system with integrated big data during the opening session of the EMB 7th Forum on Big Data in Marine Science. You can find out more about this event here and rewatch the session online

October 2020: Blogs on COVID-19

The EMB Ambassadors wrote blog posts about their experiences of the COVID-19 and its impacts on their professional and personal lives as early career researchers, providing interesting and insightful insights. You can read all four of the blogs here.


June 2020: Alba González and Alessandro Cresci engage in EMB working groups

Since June 2020, Ambassadors Alba González Vega and Alessandro Cresci have been engaging actively in current EMB working groups, as their research is closely related to the topics being addressed. Alba is providing input to the working group on Marine Geohazards and the Blue Economy, while Alessandro is a member of the working group on Underwater Noise.

27 May 2020: Video update at the EMB Plenary Meeting (online)

On 27 May 2020, EMB Young Ambassadors Liam Lachs, Alba González Vega, Natalija Dunić and Alessandro Cresci gave an update on their activities as video recordings during the EMB Spring Plenary Meeting 2020. You can watch the videos on the EMB YouTube channel.

17 March 2020: Ambassadors training workshop (online)

On 17 March 2021, the two new EMB Young Ambassadors, Natalija Dunić and Alessandro Cresci, joined the current Ambassadors, Liam Lachs and Alba González Vega, and the EMB Secretariat for a half-day online workshop. The in-person event which had originally been planned had to be cancelled last minute due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the workshop, the Ambassadors meet the EMB team and each other, learnt more about EMB and our activities, and about the European marine science-policy landscape. It was also an opportunity to plan for the coming year of activities.

10-13 December 2019: Liam Lachs hosts an EMB stand at the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2019 (Belfast, Northern Ireland)

This large-scale event by the British Ecological Society focused on celebrating global ecology. Liam attended and hosted an EMB stand on the first day of the event in order to disseminate EMB publications to a wider audience as well as raise awareness about the work that EMB does.

1-4 October 2019: Alba González Vega attends and speaks at II Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores del Mar (Malaga, Spain)

II Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores del Mar is an event aimed at early career researchers. Alba spoke during a session on young marine researcher networks where the discussions focused on ways to involved early career researchers in the marine science and policy landscape. She also used the opportunity to speak to peers about the work of EMB and to distribute publications.

24-27 September 2019: Alba González Vega presents EMB and her own work at the ICYMARE Conference (Bremen, Germay)

ICYMARE is the “International Conference for Young MArine REsearchers” which is organized voluntarily by and for young marine researchers. The conference is an event of the “Bremen Society for Natural Sciences”. Alba was able to attend and present her own PhD work along with the work of EMB, and also disseminate copies of EMB publications at a stand.

23-27 August 2019: Liam Lachs participates in the All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassador Summer School (Galway, Ireland)

EMB was very happy to hear that Liam and Alba were asked to participate in the first All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassador Summer School that took place from 23-27 August 2019 in Galway, Ireland, and Liam was able to attend. Only 25 places were available for this summer school, so it was a great honour for them to be asked to participate in this. Liam had the opportunity to speak about his exteriences as EMB Ambassador at this 5-day workshop, which focused on how to fulfil commitments to the Galway and Belém Statements for a sustainable ocean. It was also a great opportunity to network with other early career researchers and to share future advocacy plans.

13 June 2019: Liam Lachs and Alba González Vega give a presentation at the EMB Spring Plenary meeting (Paris, France)

After the EurOCEAN conference, our Ambassadors participated in the EMB Spring Plenary Meeting 2019 to meet and greet with the EMB Delegates, and to hear about the ongoing EMB activities. Alba will be closely following the new EMB Working Group on Marine Geohazards, to be launched by the end of 2019. Liam has shown a particular interest in a possible new Working Group on Coastal conservation, restoration and adaptation that EMB will pick up in the coming year and prepared a short background note to pitch this new topic to the Board.

11-12 June 2019: Liam Lachs and Alba González Vega give a closing speech at the EurOCEAN 2019 Conference (Paris, France)

The EMB Young Ambassadors, Liam Lachs and Alba González Vega, presented their vision for future marine science at the closing session of the EurOCEAN 2019 conference. The speech was a result of liaising with the 10 selected PhD-poster presenters in the weeks before and during the conference to discuss their vision for the future of the oceans and the future of marine science. They identified 5 key issues that are fundamental to a sustainable future: open access science; the science policy interface; stakeholder engagement and science communication; education; and gender equality. The contribution and engagement from the young marine scientists during the event was highly appreciate by the conference participants.

21-22 May 2019: Ambassador Training Workshop (Ostend, Belgium)

On 21-22 May 2019, our Young Ambassadors came to Ostend for a training workshop on what the European Marine Board is all about, where we fit in the European marine science-policy landscape, what the trending topics are and which activities they could get involved in.