As part of their engagement with EMB, the Young Ambassadors are invited to attend a 2-day training workshop organized by the Secretariat. On 23-24 August 2022, Rebecca Zitoun, Juliette Biquet and Alfredo Vinuesa de Garcia attended the workshop in person at the EMB offices in Ostend, Belgium, while Anjali Gopakumar linked in online from her current base in Australia. The workshop included detailed discussions about the EMB and its activities, the European Marine Science Policy Landscape and EMB's part in it, and plans for upcoming EMB Young Ambassador activities.
It was also a great opportunity got the Ambassadors and the Secretariat to get to know each other better. Thank you to the Ambassadors for engaging and making it an interesting, fruitful and inspiring workshop!
You can find out more about the Young Ambassador programme here.