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Other EMB publications

Throughout 2023, EMB organised a range of impactful initiatives, such as the EurOCEAN 2023 conference, the first EMB ECOP Network Forum, a Brown Bag Lunch, and the launch of four new foresight publications. EMB also continued its EMBracing the Ocean artist-in-residence and EMB Ambassador programmes. To learn more about EMB’s activities and achievements, dive into the EMB's 2023 Annual Report.

In 2022, the EMB Secretariat moved to the brand-new InnovOcean campus in Ostend (Belgium), where many valuable interactions and discussions have already taken place. Throughout the year, EMB organised a range of impactful initiatives, such as the CommOCEAN conference, a Brown Bag Lunch, and the launch of three new foresight publications. EMB also took a new turn by launching 'EMBracing the Ocean', an artist-in-residence programme which stimulated collaboration between Ocean scientists and artists, leading to remarkable artworks that reflect the deep connection between art and ocean sciences. To learn more about EMB’s activities and achievements, dive into the EMB's 2022 Annual Report.

As for every other organization, the year 2020 was marked by the impact from COVID-19. As formulated by our Chair Gilles Lericolais in his foreword to the Annual Report, the search for solutions out of this crisis demonstrates that research is an investment in our future and should be kept at the heart of the EU’s new Framework Programme Horizon Europe. For EMB and our Member organizations, research and innovation are at the heart of our concerns, and this pandemic has brought new or different ways of organizing research activities, collaborating, networking, organising events, and communicating research results. Find out all about our activities in the EMB Annual Report 2020.

Although the impact of the pandemic continued to be noticeable for all, we can look back on a successful 2021 in the end. This year marked the start of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, to which the EMB proudly became the very first Implementing Partner. This news was shared during EMB's 8th Open Forum, organized as a hybrid event in Brussels and online, where a wide variety of Ocean stakeholders were brought together. EMB was able to publish three publications and launch the impact video for the NFV document. Find out all about our activities in the EMB Annual Report 2021.

During summer 2020, the EMB Secretariat conducted a survey to ask EMB member organizations about the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns had on their research and teaching activities. In a follow up, the survey was re-launched in February 2021 to find out what had changed.
During summer 2020, the EMB Secretariat conducted a survey to ask EMB member organizations about the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns had on their research and teaching activities.
The year 2019 was one of great achievements for the European Marine Board with several important events and publications such as the launch of our Flagship publication “Navigating the Future V” (NFV), and the organization of the EurOCEAN 2019 Conference. EMB also focused on the preparation of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) and the forthcoming Horizon Europe, which will both be of great influence to steer marine science further in the EU and beyond. Find out all about our activities in the EMB Annual Report 2019.
EMB's Annual Report 2018 provides a full overview of our activities and events in 2018, bridging the gap between research, policy, industry and society.
Read about the wide spectrum of strategic activities undertaken by the EMB in 2017, bridging the gap between research, policy, industry and society.
Read about the wide spectrum of strategic activities undertaken by the EMB in 2016, bridging the gap between research, policy, industry and society.
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