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EMB Annual Report 2019

The year 2019 was one of great achievements for the European Marine Board with several important events and publications such as the launch of our Flagship publication “Navigating the Future V” (NFV), and the organization of the EurOCEAN 2019 Conference. EMB also focused on the preparation of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) and the forthcoming Horizon Europe, which will both be of great influence to steer marine science further in the EU and beyond. Find out all about our activities in the EMB Annual Report 2019.
The EMB Annual Report presents a high level overview the governance and structure of the European Marine Board, and the activities and events that were undertaken by EMB and its members in the year 2019. The report will provide you with information on the decisions of the board regarding new marine foresight acitivities, you will learn more about active European Marine Board working groups and their outputs and publications, the major conferences on marine science EMB has organised or contributed to, and the interactions with the wider stakeholders and policy makers that we undertake to facilitate the science-policy interface.