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EMB Annual Report 2023

Throughout 2023, EMB organised a range of impactful initiatives, such as the EurOCEAN 2023 conference, the first EMB ECOP Network Forum, a Brown Bag Lunch, and the launch of four new foresight publications. EMB also continued its EMBracing the Ocean artist-in-residence and EMB Ambassador programmes. To learn more about EMB’s activities and achievements, dive into the EMB's 2023 Annual Report.

The EMB Annual Report presents a high level overview of the governance and structure of the European Marine Board, and the activities and events undertaken by EMB and its Members in 2023. It contains information on the decisions of the Board regarding new marine science-policy foresight activities; active EMB Working Groups including their outputs and publications; marine science-policy conferences and events organised or contributed to by EMB; interactions with wider stakeholders and policy makers and collaborations with initiatives such as the UN Ocean Decade and the Mission Ocean.