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EMB Annual Report 2020

As for every other organization, the year 2020 was marked by the impact from COVID-19. As formulated by our Chair Gilles Lericolais in his foreword to the Annual Report, the search for solutions out of this crisis demonstrates that research is an investment in our future and should be kept at the heart of the EU’s new Framework Programme Horizon Europe. For EMB and our Member organizations, research and innovation are at the heart of our concerns, and this pandemic has brought new or different ways of organizing research activities, collaborating, networking, organising events, and communicating research results. Find out all about our activities in the EMB Annual Report 2020.

The EMB Annual Report presents a high level overview the governance and structure of the European Marine Board, and the activities and events that were undertaken by EMB and its members in the year 2020. It contains information on the decisions of the board regarding new marine foresight activities; active EMB working groups including their outputs and publications; conferences on marine science EMB has organised or contributed to, and interactions with the wider stakeholders and policy makers that we undertake to facilitate the science-policy interface.