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EMB has an outstanding reputation as a provider of high-quality science-policy advice. Our publications are designed for a non-technical audience, providing recommendations for future research and capacity building which can be addressed by European and national funding mechanisms.

We publish different types of documents depending on the target audience.

Position Papers provide in depth analysis of a certain scientific topic that include an overview of the current state-of-the-art based on existing literature and policy-relevant recommendations. Position Papers are typically around 100 pages long and structured around four to eight main chapters. They are authored by Members of EMB Working Groups and are peer-reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers and are subject to internal review by EMB Member organisations.

Future Science Briefs are concise policy focused documents that include an overview of the current state-of-the-art based on existing literature and policy-relevant recommendations. Future Science Briefs are typically between 30-40 pages long and structured around six to eight main chapters. They are authored by Members of EMB Working Groups and are peer-reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers and are subject to internal review by EMB Member organisations.

Policy Briefs provide a high-level summary of the key research needs and priorities on topics of strategic and emerging importance. These documents typically summarize the main messages of Position Papers. Policy Briefs are around 8 pages long. They are typically authored by the EMB Secretariat, are peer-reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers and are subject to internal review by EMB Member organisations.

Science Commentaries are short science policy statements which address strategic issues of identified scientific and/or societal importance and which require a rapid and coordinated policy response. They are typically between one and three pages long, are authored by the EMB Secretariat and are subject to internal review by EMB Member organisations.

In addition, we publish reports as outcomes of the events we organise and in the framework of European projects.

All EMB documents published since 2019 are archived in Zenodo and licenced under CC BY 4.0.

If you would like hard copies of any of our publications, please contact the EMB Secretariat. You can find out more about our processes to produce these documents here.