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EMB publications

Accurate and extensive marine habitat maps are fundamental to support a wide variety of marine policies and ambitions including the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive and policies to deliver the ambitious plans of the European Green Deal. However, large areas remain unmapped, and current maps predominantly focus on physical aspects of marine habitats and lack sufficient biological resolution, such as species and communities.

Throughout 2023, EMB organised a range of impactful initiatives, such as the EurOCEAN 2023 conference, the first EMB ECOP Network Forum, a Brown Bag Lunch, and the launch of four new foresight publications. EMB also continued its EMBracing the Ocean artist-in-residence and EMB Ambassador programmes. To learn more about EMB’s activities and achievements, dive into the EMB's 2023 Annual Report.

Impact report for the Future Science Brief 7, which outlined the state of knowledge on the sources of anthropogenic sounds and the effects of noise on marine organisms, and provided an overview of the measures that have been taken to address the issue of underwater noise.
Impact report for the EMB Position Paper 26 and EMB Policy Brief 10 on Marine Geohazards, which pointed towards relevant actions that would ensure the development of effective risk-mitigation and science-based management practices and policies to protect coastal population and economic activities at sea.
Impact report for the Policy Brief No. 9, which highlighted benefits, funding and governance challenges of in situ Ocean observations, and the investment needed for their transformation and sustainability.
European coasts face multiple, interacting and cumulative pressures including those resulting from increasing greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. sea-level rise, Ocean warming, Ocean acidification, extreme events) and localised activities such as fishing, aquaculture, waste disposal and coastal urbanisation. These create a unique set of context-specific issues that need to be addressed holistically using a systems approach, considering the dynamics between both coastal societies and ecosystems as part of interconnected social-ecological systems. EMB Position Paper No. 27 ‘Building Coastal Resilience in Europe’ presents key policy, scientific and community recommendations on how to build coastal resilience and enhance capacity to cope with impacts from climate change and other coastal pressures.
Blue Carbon ecosystems are a Nature-based Solution that can help mitigate the climate and biodiversity crises, while stabilising livelihoods, protecting coasts, and supporting other societal needs such as food security from the Ocean. EMB Policy Brief No. 11 describes different types and benefits of Blue Carbon ecosystems, and discusses uncertainties and challenges for the conservation and restoration of Blue Carbon ecosystems as a climate change solution. The document also highlights the wider role of the Ocean in mitigating climate change through the carbon cycle, and closes with key research and management recommendations.

In 2022, the EMB Secretariat moved to the brand-new InnovOcean campus in Ostend (Belgium), where many valuable interactions and discussions have already taken place. Throughout the year, EMB organised a range of impactful initiatives, such as the CommOCEAN conference, a Brown Bag Lunch, and the launch of three new foresight publications. EMB also took a new turn by launching 'EMBracing the Ocean', an artist-in-residence programme which stimulated collaboration between Ocean scientists and artists, leading to remarkable artworks that reflect the deep connection between art and ocean sciences. To learn more about EMB’s activities and achievements, dive into the EMB's 2022 Annual Report.

The European Marine Board Secretariat organized a foresight workshop on the sustainability of the ocean observing and forecasting system, supported by the EU Innovation Action EuroSea, on 15-16 March 2023 at the Museum of Natural Sciences, Brussels (Belgium). The workshop aimed to gather key recommendations or considerations for possible future mechanisms to sustainably fund and coordinate ocean observation, prediction and information delivery in Europe.

EMB Future Science Brief No. 10 highlights the most recent science on Ocean oxygen, including causes, impacts and mitigation strategies of Ocean oxygen loss, and whether “every second breath we take comes from the Ocean”. It closes with key policy, management and research recommendations to address Ocean deoxygenation and communicate more accurately about the role of the Ocean in Earth’s oxygen.  

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