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Project reports

The European Marine Board Secretariat organized a foresight workshop on the sustainability of the ocean observing and forecasting system, supported by the EU Innovation Action EuroSea, on 15-16 March 2023 at the Museum of Natural Sciences, Brussels (Belgium). The workshop aimed to gather key recommendations or considerations for possible future mechanisms to sustainably fund and coordinate ocean observation, prediction and information delivery in Europe.
This report captures the major foresight initiatives and documents relevant for European ocean observation and forecasting.

This Policy Brief highlights the inextricable links between oceans health and human health. It presents the main challenges in moving towards a European policy framework that supports and enables Oceans and Human Health to be addressed in a holistic manner. It highlights the research, training, data, monitoring and funding needs to enable such a policy framework to be developed. This publication was produced together with the EU-funded SOPHIE project.

Strategic Reseach Agenda for Oceans and Human Health Research in Europe, arising from the H2020 SOPHIE project

Strategic foresight paper on AtlantOS in the European context. Deliverable led by EMB for the European H2020 AtlantOS project WP10, with a particular focus on ocean observation coordination and governance in the context of European, Atlantic and global science-policy drivers.

A set of factsheets explaining the connections between Human Health and the Ocean, developed by EMB and CEFAS. Tracing the history of the Ocean Literacy movement and introducing the Sea Change project, developed by EMB and CoExploration Ltd.
A review of Ocean Literacy in European Maritime Policy, completed by EMB, IOC-UNESCO and CIIMAR.
Tracing the history of the Ocean Literacy movement and introducing the Sea Change project, developed by EMB and CoExploration Ltd.
Proposal and Recommendations for a Science-Policy Interface (SPI) to support MSFD Implementation.
STAGES_D4.2.pdf (2.08 MB)
This report reviews an extensive STAGES stakeholder consultation conducted by Work Package 4 "Building a science-policy interface to support MSFD implementation". WP4 was led by EMB, in collaboration with STAGES partners.
STAGES_D4.1.pdf (3.31 MB)
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