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EMB publications

Synthesis report on existing (sub)national (marine) science and technology strategies.

Synthesis of European Research on the Effects of Climate Change on Marine Environments. CLAMER-Marine Board special publication.

Marine Board Annual Report 2010

Report of the high-level conference on marine science and technology EurOCEAN 2010 (12-13 October 2010, Ostend) and the Ostend Declaration. 

Marine biotechnology state of the art and its significant potential to contribute to scientific, societal and economic needs; and a concrete science policy strategy.

An overview of how marine renewable energy can provide innovative solutions to tackle future energy challenges and to fully contribute to the EU 2020 vision.

Research priorities and a work plan to achieve the objectives of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Joint EMB-ICES-EFARO publication

A short brochure on Marine Board history and its role in promoting the establishment of the European Marine Research Area, prepared for the ten-year anniversary as a stand-alone European marine science and technology forum.

Summary of the achievements of the 6th EU Framework Programme ERA-NET project MarinERA.

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