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EMB publications

Strategic overview of marine research, priority recommendations and scientific challenges in the context of European science and societal needs.

Analysis of hydrodynamic modelling of coastal and shelf seas and data assimilation, illustrating the development effort needed to transform research tools into services for the many users of ocean space and resources.     

Report of the high-level conference on marine science and technology EurOCEAN 2004 (10-13 May 2004, Galway) and the Galway Declaration. 

Research priorities and recommendations for marine research and policy at the European level - summary of Integrating Marine Science in Europe.

A milestone in the process of integrating and developing a strong, fully European profile for marine science as a key component of the European Research Area. 

Marine Board strategy for European marine biotechnology, mobilising efforts throughout Europe to address issues like human health, nutrition and environmental impact, as well as to further biodiversity and reproduction.

Marine research challenges and their implications for European marine science and society.

The Marine Board strategic marine science plan for Europe, integrating all relevant dimensions of the natural and social sciences and the concerns of all end users of European seas.

Towards ERA-87.pdf (203.66 KB)
Proposing a framework and actions for the long-term delivery of a coherant European Science Plan on Marine Biodiversity
Towards the implementation of well-coordinated research projects at the European level on marine biodiversity
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