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EMB publications

This report reviews an extensive STAGES stakeholder consultation conducted by Work Package 4 "Building a science-policy interface to support MSFD implementation". WP4 was led by EMB, in collaboration with STAGES partners.
STAGES_D4.1.pdf (3.31 MB)

A consensus view of the EurOCEAN 2014 participants representing that of the European marine research community and resulting from a wide consultation at national, regional, pan-European and international levels


A summary of the key research needs and priorities to discover and safeguard Europe’s underwater heritage
State of the art, key opportunities and recommendations to advance the European Continental Shelf Prehistoric Research

The 4th EMB Forum Proceedings Arctic 2050: Towards Ecosystem-based management in a changing Arctic Ocean (12 March 2014, Brussels).

Third SEAS-ERA Strategic Forum Report.

European Marine Board Annual Report 2013 outlining EMB activities and outputs against the strategic approaches of ForumStrategySynergy and Voice.

High-level message from a workshop which brought together 50 experts from a broad range of disciplines to discuss the complex interactions between the marine environment and human health (March 2014).

This position paper identifies the key research needs and priorities to support the development of a holistic and coherent transnational oceans and human health research effort in Europe.

Foresight report organized around the framework of key societal challenges in the areas of climate, human health, food security, energy and safe and sustainable use of marine space.

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