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Past events

CommOcean 2018

04 December 2018 to 05 December 2018

3rd International Marine Science Communication Conference
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EOOS Conference

21 November 2018 to 23 November 2018

Evolving the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) - Connecting communities for end-to-end solutions
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EMB Autumn Plenary Meeting 2018

24 October 2018 to 25 October 2018

The European Marine Board Autumn Plenary meeting will be hosted by the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) in Trieste, Italy on 24-25 October 2018.

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Brown Bag Lunch: Food from the oceans

28 September 2018

The European Marine Board will host an informative Brown Bag Lunch (BBL) at Scotland House Europe (Brussels, Belgium) on Friday 28 September, from 12:30 PM - 14:00 PM CEST.

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EP Event on Marine Graduate Training

25 September 2018

EMB event in the European Parliament on 'Young Talent and the Blue Economy - Towards a fit-for-purpose training for marine graduates

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6th EMB Forum

06 December 2017

Implementing the UN 2030 Agenda: What role for marine science?
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UN Climate Change Conference, COP 21

30 November 2015 to 11 December 2015

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5th EMB Forum: Ocean and Climate

21 October 2015

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New Frontiers for Blue Growth

20 October 2015

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EMB Autumn Plenary Meeting

14 October 2015 to 15 October 2015

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