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EMB welcomes new member - University of Gothenburg, Sweden

EMB is delighted to announced that it gained a new member during its Spring Plenary Meeting in Tenerife last week.
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EMB Spring Plenery Meeting

The EMB Spring Plenary convened on 26-27 April 2017 in Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). The meeting brought together 23 delegates and was hosted by EMB member IEO (Spanish Institute of Oceanography).
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The ticking time bomb of climate change

A new EMB Science Commentary questions the over-emphasis in global policy discussions on 21st Century impacts of climate change. ‘The ticking time bomb of climate change and sea-level rise’ Science Commentary (pdf) has been launched today, at the VLIZ Marine Science Day, in Bruges, Belgium.
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China-EU Blue Year

On 2 March, the EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, and his Chinese counterpart embarked on formal talks linked to the “China-EU Blue Year” in Brussels.
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In Memoriam - Professor Mário Ruivo

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Have your say on the future of European Ocean Observing - online consultation

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Aristotle and marine biodiversity

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EMB presents at two Ocean Conferences, Business2Sea 2016 and CdM ISC ‘16 (16-18 November, Porto and Vila Real, Portugal)

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EMB Autumn Plenary Meeting (19-20 October, Glasgow)

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EMB takes part in panel at Blue Economy Business and Science Forum 1st Summit (12-13 September, Hamburg)

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