3rd Marine Board Forum Proceedings New Technologies for a Blue Future (18 April 2012, Brussels).
Event reports
2nd Marine Board Forum Towards a European Network of Marine Observatories for Monitoring and Research (16 September 2010, Brussels).
Report of the high-level conference on marine science and technology EurOCEAN 2010 (12-13 October 2010, Ostend) and the Ostend Declaration.
1st Marine Board Forum Marine Data Challenges: from Observation to Information (15 May 2008, Ostend).
Report of the high-level conference on marine science and technology EurOCEAN 2007(22 June 2007, Aberdeen) and the Aberdeen Declaration.
Report of the high-level conference on marine science and technology EurOCEAN 2004 (10-13 May 2004, Galway) and the Galway Declaration.