The webinar 'Marine Geohazards in Europe: A Hidden Threat to Coastal Settlements and the Blue Economy' built on the science presented in EMB's Position Paper No. 26, and included a presentation and a discussion session with Professor Heidrun Kopp and Professor Francesco Chiocci, Chair and Co-Chair of the EMB Working Group on Marine Geohazards.
Professor Heidrun Kopp is a marine geophysicist with extensive background in seismology and seafloor geodesy. Her research focus is on crustal investigations of active plate margins, rifts and ocean basins with a focus on marine geohazards. She was principal investigator on twelve research cruises. Heidrun is particularly dedicated to training the next generation of scientists. She has taken on a number of leadership roles in geophysics. She was the first woman to be elected president of the German Geophysical Union in 2019. She is heading the department ‘Dynamics of the Ocean Floor’ at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.
Professor Francesco Latino Chiocci is a marine geologist whose main interest is in seafloor mapping, marine geohazard and HR seismic stratigraphy. He is a full professor at University of Rome Sapienza, co-chair of the working group in Marine Geohazard of the European Marine Board and was also a member of the EMB Subland working group. Francesco is chief of the Marine Geology section of the Italian Geological Society, a member of the Italian Oceanographic Commission, and a member of the Steering Council of CoNISMA Consortium. He is responsible for many national and international projects. He has participated in >50 scientific cruises (half of them as chief scientist) and published some 150 articles in peer reviewed journals and international books, with a H-index 27, and 2350 citations.
The webinar was live-streamed and the recording is now available on the EMB YouTube page. You can download the slides here.
For any questions, please send an email to info@marineboard.eu