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EMB Science Webinar - Marine Ecosystem Modelling and Observations

On Thursday 18 February 2021, EMB hosted its sixth Science Lunch Webinar on marine ecosystem modelling, comparing modelling and observations results. The webinar was 1 hour long and took place from 13:00 - 14:00 CET.

This webinar called "Disclosing the truth: Are models better than observations?" highlighted results from a new paper with the same title, published in Marine Ecology Progress Series. It was presented by one of the co-authors of EMB's 4th Future Science Brief focused on marine ecosystem modelling.



Dr Morten D. Skogen was the Chair of the EMB’s working group on Ecosystem modelling. He is a Senior Scientist at the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Bergen, Norway. His main research interests include ecoystem modelling, climate, eutrophication and ocean acidification. He is involved in the development and maintanance of NORWECOM.E2E, the NORWegian ECOlogical Model system. Morten has published almost 50 peer scientific papers in international peer-reviewed publications.

The webinar was hosted on ZOOM. The recording of the webinar can be made found on the EMB YouTube page. You can find a copy of the slides here.

Event Date