EMB Executive Director Sheila JJ Heymans started off the webinar with a short introduction, Dr. Natalia Serpetti and Dr. Igor Celić and discussed some of their findings on this topic, which were included in the EMB Future Science Brief n°4 on Marine Ecosystem Modelling. After the presentations, there was some time for questions from the participants and a discussion on the topic.
Dr. Natalia Serpetti is a Researcher at the Scottish Association for Marine Science in the UK. She is interested in understanding the processes that govern the dynamics of marine ecosystems and the forces that regulate and affect it using modelling. She is able to simulate and predict future scenarios of how the entire ecosystem might function. She will discuss her research (Serpetti et al., 2017) as included in the EMB Future Science Brief on Modelling.
Her presentation on the "Impact of ocean warming on sustainable fisheries management" is available here.
Dr. Igor Celić is a Researcher at the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics in Italy. He applies the ecosystem approach to fisheries by integrating environmental, biological and socio-economic aspects into an ecosystem modelling framework. He also studies the technical properties of the models to better understand the mechanics and reliability of simulations and scenarios. He is able to simulate future ecosystem and fisheries alternative scenarios and provides support to fisheries policy evaluation. He will discuss his research (Celić et al., 2018) as included in the EMB Future Science Brief on Marine Ecosystem Modelling.
His presentation on "Evaluating ecological and economic effects of landing obligation with an ecosystem model" is available here.
You can watch the full webinar on the EMB Youtube Channel.