The webinar 'An insight into INSITE (the influence of structures in the ecosystem programme)' built on the science presented in EMB's Policy Brief No. 2 on 'Decommissioning of offshore man-made installations: taking an ecosystem approach', and included a presentation and discussion session with Prof. Dickon Howell, INSITE Programme Director / Howell Marine Consulting.
Director and founder of Howell Marine Consulting and visiting Professor of Practice at Newcastle University School of Natural and Environmental Science, Dickon has global experience of leading the development and delivery of all aspects of the Blue Economy, marine policy, governance and regulation within national and international institutions. He has made a professional career in bringing together policy makers, regulators, scientists, advisors and users of the sea to find solutions that deliver the Blue Economy and marine sustainable development within a proportionate regulatory framework.
The webinar is available on the EMB YouTube page and the slides can be downloaded here.
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